The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE... · the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (1)


The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (2)














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Captain Moyers S. Shore II, USMC

PCN 19000411000



Printed 1969Reprinted 1977

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The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (5)


'I —

Oblique aerial photograph of the Khe Sanh Combat Base

(United Press International Photo by Kyoichi Sawada)


The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (6)

Library of Congress Card No. 75-603604

For sale by the Superintendent of Documente, U.S. Government Printing omceWashington, D.C. 20402

Stock No. 008-055-00114-5


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It is with pleasure that the Marine Corps presents thisaccount of the Battle for Khe Sanh which stands as one ofthe most crucial and bitterly contested struggles in theVietnam War. Throughout the existence of our Corps, thousandsof men have been called upon to further the cause of freedomon scores of battlefields around the globe. At }e Sanh, anew generation of Marines, aided by their gallant U. S. Army,Navy, Air Force, and South Vietnamese counterparts, admirablyupheld this tradition and wrote a thrilling new chapter inthe history of armed conflict.

The two senior U. S. commanders in Vietnam who supervisedthe defense- -General William C. Westmoreland, USA, andLieutenant General Robert E. Cushman, Jr., USMC--have contri-buted immeasurably to the production of this work and havealso provided their astute summaries of the operation which.appear in the following pages. I heartily endorse their state-ments as well as the approach and conclusions of this history.

In addition, I am grateful to the individuals and agenciesof all the Services who have provided valuable assistancethrough written comments and personal interviews which are re-flected in the text. In particular, I wish to extend ourappreciation to Mr. David D. Duncan, a veteran combat photo-grapher who has graciously consented to our use of th•e brilliantpictures he took during an eight-day visit to the combat base.These truly professional shots graphically depict the face ofthe siege and enhance the narrative.

The sum total of these contributions, I feel, is an objec-tive, readable account of this important battle which honorsthe valiant American and South Vietnamese troops who held KheSanh. I can think of no more fitting tribute to these men- -both living and dead- - than to simply relate the events as theyhappened. This, then, is their story.

L. F. CHAPMAN, JR.General, U.S. Marine Corps

Commandant of the Marine Corps



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As the commander of the United States Military AssistanceCommand, Vietnam, during the battle of Khe Sanh, I welcomepublication by the U. S. Marine Corps of this historicalstudy. The Marines' heroic defense of the Khe Sanh areaagainst numerically superior North Vietnamese forces standsout among the many battles fought to defend the Republic ofVietnam against Communist aggression.

The enemy's primary objective of his 1968 TET Offensivewas to seize power in South Vietnam by creating a general up-

rising and causing the defection of major elements of the ArmedForces of the Republic of Vietnam. In conjunction with this,the enemy apparently expected to seize by military action largeportions of the northern two provinces lying just south of theDemilitarized Zone and there to set up a "liberation government."The virtually unpopulated Khe Sanh Plateau, which lay astridethe enemy's principal avenue of approach from his large baseareas in Laos, was obviously an initial objective of the North

Vietnamese Army. Its seizure would have created a seriousthreat to our forces defending the northern area and would havecleared the way for the enemy's advance to iang Tn City andthe heavily populated coastal region. There is also littledoubt that the enemy hoped at Khe Sanh to attain a climacticvictory, such as he had done in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu, in theexpectation that this would produce a psychological shock anderode American morale.

My subordinate commanders and I were particularly sensitiveto heavy fighting in the populated areas, since this would re-sult in substantial destruction to the towns and villages andcause unnecessary suffering by the civilian population. Wewanted to avoid this situation to the greatest extent possibleby denying the enemy freedom of movement through the Khe Sanharea and into the coastal region. At that time we did not havesufficient troops, helicopters, or logistical support in thenorthern provinces to accomplish this entirely through mobileoperations, and competing requirements for troops and resourcesdid not permit immediate reinforcement from other areas ofSouth Vietnam. The situation was further complicated by longperiods of fog and low cloud ceilings during January, February,and March, which made helicopter operations difficult andhazardous.


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To maintain our presence on the Khe Sanh Plateau, our onlychoice at the time was to secure the airstrip we had built onthe plateau since this facility was essential as the forwardterminus of our supply line. From here we could maintain ourmilitary presence in the area and, through the use of our £ ire-power, make it costly for large enemy forces to advance whilewe awaited the end of the bad weather of the northeast monsoonand constituted the forces and logistics necessary to strikeout on offensive operations.

Another factor favoring the decision to hold Khe Sanh wasthe enemy's determination to take it. Our defense of the areawould tie down large numbers of North Vietnamese troops whichotherwise could move against the vulnerable populated areaswhose security was the heart of the Vietnamese pacificationprogram. Our decision to defend also held the prospect ofcausing the enemy to concentrate his force and thereby provideus a singular opportunity to bring our firepower to bear on himwith minimum restrictions. Had we withdrawn to fight theenemy's force of over two divisions in the heavily populatedcoastal area, the use of our firepower would have been severelyrestricted because of our precautionary measures to avoidcivilian casualties and minimize damage to civilian property.

Based on my decision to hold the Khe Sanh Plateau, Lieu-tenant General Cushman's and Lieutenant General Lam's firsttask was to reinforce the area with sufficient strength to pre-vent the enemy from overrunning it, but at the same time tocommit no more force than could be supplied by air. While thebattle of Khe Sanh was being fought, emphasis was placed onthe buildup in the northern provinces of the necessary troops,helicopters, and logistic support for mobile offensive oper-ations to open Highway 9 and move onto the plateau when theweather cleared at the end of March.

This report provides a detailed and graphic account ofevents as they unfolded. It centers about the 26th MarineRegiment, the main defenders of the Khe Sanh area, who tenaciouslyand magnificently held off the enemy during the two-and-one-half-month siege. Yet the battle of Khe Sanh was an inter-Service and international operation. Consequently, appropriatecoverage is given to the contributions of the U0 S. Army, Navy,and Air Force, and to South Vietnamese regular and irregularmilitary units, all of whom contributed to the defense of thearea and to the destruction of the enemy. As Marine artilleryfrom within the fortified positions pounded the enemy, Army


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artillery located to the east provided heavy, long-range firesupport. Fighter aircraft from the Marines, Air Force, andNavy provided continuous close air support, while B-52 bombersof the Strategic Air Command dealt decisive blows around-the-clock to enemy forces within striking distance of our positionsand against enemy supply areas. Further, Marine and Air Forceairlift together with Army parachute riggers logistically sus-tained the defenders during the siege despite heavy enemyantiaircraft fire.

In early April, when the weather cleared and the troop andlogistic buildup was, completed, a combined force of U. S. ArmyU. S. Marine, and Republic of Vietnam units, coordinated by theU. S. Army' s 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), maneuvered tolink up with the 26th Marines and rout the remaining enemyelements. Meanwhile, U. S. Marine Corps engineers expe-ditiously opened Highway 9 to the plateau. The crushing de-feat suffered by the North Vietnamese Army during the siegecost the Communists untold casualties, shattered two of theirbest divisions, and frustrated their dream of a second DienBien Phu0

Tne battle of Khe Sanh is but one facet of the long andcomplicated war in South Vietnam. It is one in which theaggressive nature of North Vietnam, the resolute determinationof our fighting forces, and the local defeat of the armed enemycan all be clearly seen.

W. C. WESTMORELANDGeneral, United States Army


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In the extreme northwestern corner of South Vietnam therestands a monument to the free world. Unlike those which com-memorate the victories of past wars, this one was not built onmarble or bronze but the sacrifies of men who fought and diedat a remote outpost to halt the spread of Communism0 This isthe story of those men- - the defenders of Khe Sanh- - and the epic77-day struggle which not only denied the North Vietnamese Armya much needed victory but reaffirmed to the world the intentionof the United States to hold the line in Southeast Asia. Inaddition to having been a contest of men and machines, this wasthe test of a nation's will0

As a history, this work is not intended to prove any point,but rather to record objectively the series of events which cameto be called the Battle of Khe Sanh. These events spanned aperiod from April 1967 to April 1968. The rationale for thebuildup along the Demilitarized Zone and the commitment to holdthe small garrison is presented as a logical extension of thethree-pronged strategy then employed throughout I Corpsand the rest of South Vietnam; this balanced campaign includedpacification programs, counterguerrilla activity, and largeunit offensive sweeps. Although isolated, the Khe Sanh CombatBase was a vital link in the northern defenses which screenedthe Allied counterinsurgency efforts in the densely populatedcoastal plairs from invasion by regular divisions from NorthVietnam. P obstructing this attempted invasion, American andSouth Vi amese forces at Khe Sanh provided a shield for theircontemporaries who were waging a war for the hearts and mindsof the people in the cities, villages, and hamlets farther tothe south. In the process, a reinforced regiment--the 26thMarines- - supported by massive firepower provided by the Marineand Navy air arms, the U0 S0 Air Force and Marine and Armyartillery, defended this base and mangled two crack North Viet-namese Army divisions, further illustrating to Hanoi thefutility of its war of aggression.

Later, after the encirclement was broken and additionalU.S. forces became available, the Allies were able to shiftemphasis from the fixed defense to fast-moving offensive oper-ations to control this vital area astride the enemy's invasionroute. In these operations, our troops thrust out to strikethe enemy whenever he appeared in this critical region. This


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shift in tactics in the spring of 1968 was made possible byfavorable weather, the buildup of troops, helicopters, andlogistics that had taken place during the winter of 1967-68.An additional factor was the construction of a secure forwardbase across the mountains to the east of Khe Sanh, from whichthese operations could be supported. The the Sanh Combat Basethen lost the importance it had earlier and was dismantledafter its supplies were drawn down, since it was no longerneeded. The strategy of containing the North Vietnamese Armyalong the border remained the same; but revised tactics werenow possible.

But in 1967 and early 1968, neither troops nor helicopters,logistics nor the forward base were available to support themore aggressive tactics. The enemy lunged into the area inforce, and he had to be stopped. The KSCB with its airstripwas the pivotal point in the area from which Allied firepowercould be directed and which the enemy could not ignore. It

was here that the 26th Marines made their stand.

This study also provides insight into the mechanics ofthe battle from the highest echelon of command to the smallestunit. In addition, appropriate coverage is provided to thesupporting arms and the mammoth logistics effort which spelledthe difference between victory and defeat. While this isbasically a story about Marines, it notes the valiant contri-butions of U. S. Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel, as wellas the South Vietnamese.

The account is based on records of the U. S. Marine Corps,selected records of other Services, and appropriate publishedworks. The comments of and interviews with key participantshave been incorporated into the text. Although this monographhas been cleared for publication by the Department of Defense,most of the documents cited retain a security classification.

R. E. CUSHMAN, JR. 7/Lieutenant General, U. S. Mane Corps

Commanding General, III Marine Amphibious Force


The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (13)


Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Part IV:

Part V:

Part VI:

Part VII:

Part VIII:

Part IX:


Background. . . . . . . . .

The Lull Between The Storms

The Buildup and The Opening Round

The "So-Called" Siege Begins.

TheAirlift. . . . . . . .

Supporting Arms and Intelligence.

The Turning Point . . . . .

TheBreakout. . . . . . . .

Epilogue. .. . . . . . . . .

Glossary. . . . .

Chronology. . . .

Task Organization

Command and Staff List,

Command and Staff List,

Military Map Symbols.


• • ' 152



• . • 187

• 193

• 196

• . • . . 203

• . . . • V

. . • . . Wi

• • . . . ix

. . . . . 1

. . . . . 3


• . . . . 29

. . . . 53

• • . . . 72

• . . . • 93

• . • . . 113


• 145

Bibliographical Notes and FootnotesA.







. . . . • .

. . . . . . .

3d Marines.

26th Marines.

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The Battle for Khe Sanh


Captain Moyers S. Shore II, USMC


"Attention to Colors." The order having been given,Captain William H. Dabney, a product of the Virginia MilitaryInstitute, snapped to attention, faced the jerry-rigged f lag-pole, and saluted, as did every other man in Company I, 3dBattalion, 26th Marines. The ceremony might well have been atany one of a hundred military installations around the worldexcept for a few glaring irregularities. The parade ground wasa battle-scarred hilltop to the west of Khe Sanh and the menin the formation stood half submerged in trenches or foxholes.Instead of crisply starched utilities, razor sharp creases, andgleaming brass,these Marines sported scraggly beards, raggedtrousers, and rotted helmet liner straps., The only man in thecompany who could play a bugle, Second Lieutenant Owen S.Matthews, lifted the pock-marked instrument to his lips andspat out a choppy version of "To the Colors" while two enlistedmen raced to the RC-292 radio antenna which served as the f lag-pole and gingerly attached the Stars and Stripes. As the mastwith its shredded banner came upright, the Marines could hearthe ominous "thunk," "thunk," "thunk," to the southwest of theirposition which meant that North Vietnamese 120mm mortar roundshad left their tubes. They also knew that in 21 seconds those"thunks" would be replaced by much loudez, closer sounds but noone budged until Old Glory waved high over the hill.

When Lieutenant Matthews sharply cut off the last note ofhis piece, Company I disappeared; men dropped into trenches,dived headlong into foxholes, or scrambled into bunkers. Thearea which moments before had been bristling with humanity wassuddenly a ghost town. Seconds later explosions walked acrossthe hilltop spewing black smoke, dirt, and debris into the air.Rocks, splinters, and spent shell fragments rained on theflattened Marines but, as usual, no one was hurt. As quicklyas the attack came, it was over. While the smoke lazily driftedaway, a much smaller banner rose from the Marines' positions.A pole adorned with a pair of red, silk panties--Maggie's Drawers


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- -was waved back and forth above one trenchline to inform theenemy that he had missed again. A few men stood up and jeeredor cursed at the distant gunners; others simply saluted withan appropriate obscene gesture. The daily flag-raising ceremonyon Hill 881 South was over.

This episode was just one obscure incident which coupledwith hundreds of others made up the battle for Khe Sanh. Theceremony carried with it no particular political overtones butwas intended solely as an open show of defiance toward theCommunists as well as a morale booster for the troops. Thejaunty courage, quiet determination, and macabre humor of themen on Hill 881S exemplified the spirit of the U. S. and SouthVietnamese defenders who not only defied the enemy but, in aclassic 77-day struggle, destroyed him. At the same time, thefighting around the isolated combat base touched off a passionatecontroversy in the United States and the battle, therefore,warrants close scrutiny. For proper prospective, however, onefirst needs to have a basic understanding of the series ofevents which thrust Khe Sanh into the limelight. In effect,the destiny of the combatants was unknowingly determined almostthree years earlier at a place called Red Beach near Da Nang.


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When the lead elements of the 9th Marine ExpeditionaryBrigade,commanded by Brigadier General Frederick J. Karch,slogged ashore at Da Nang on 8 March 1965, Communist politicaland military aspirations in South Vietnam received a severejolt. The buildup of organized American combat units had be-gun. In May 1965, the 9th MEB was succeeded by the III MarineAmphibious Force (III MAF) which was comprised of the 3d MarineDivision, the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, and, within a year,the 1st Marine Division. The Commanding General, III MAF wasgiven responsibility for U. S. operations in I Corps TacticalZone which incorporated the five northern provinces and, on 5June 1965, Major General Lewis W. Walt assumed that role. (SeeMap 1). Major units of the U. S. Army moved into other portionsof South Vietnam and the entire American effort came under thecontrol of the Commander, U. S. Military Assistance Command,Vietnam (ComUSMACV), General William C. Westmoreland.(l)

The Marines, in conjunction with the Army of the Republicof Vietnam (ARVN), set about to wrest control of the populacein I Corps from the Viet Cong and help reassert the authorityof the central government. The Allies launched an aggressivecampaign designed to root out the enemy's source of strength--the local guerrilla. Allied battalion- and regimental-sizedunits screened this effort by seeking out and engaging Viet Congmain forces and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) elements. SmallerMarine and ARVN units went after the isolated guerrilla bandswhich preyed on the Vietnamese peasants. Thousands of fireteam-, squad-, and platoon-sized actions took a heavy toll ofthe enemy and the Viet Cong were gradually pushed out of thepopulated areas. Whenever a village or hamlet was secured,civic action teams moved in to fill the vacuum and began thelong, tedious process of erasing the effects of prolongedCommunist domination.. Progress was slow, Within a year, how-ever, the area under Government security had grown to more than1,600 square miles and encompassed nearly half a million people.As government influence extended deeper into the countryside,the security, health, economic well-being, and educationalprospects of the peasants were constantly improved. There wasan ever increasing number of enemy defectors and intelligencereports from, heretofore, unsympathetic villagers. By mid-1966,


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Allied military operations and pacification programs wereslowly but seriously eroding the enemy's elaborate infrastruc-ture and his hold over the people.(2)

It soon became apparent to the leaders in the North that,unless they took some bold action, ten years of preparation andtheir master plan for conquest of South Vietnam would go downthe drain. From the Communists' standpoint, the crucial matterwas not the volume of casualties they sustained, but the sur-vival of the guerrilla infrastructure in South Vietnam. In

spite of their disregard for human life, the North Vietnamesedid not wish to counter the American military steamroller inthe populated coastal plain of I Corps. There, the relativelyopen terrain favored the overwhelming power of the Marines'supporting arms. The enemy troops would have extended supplylines, their movement could be more easily detected, and theywould be further away from sanctuaries in Laos and North Viet-nam. In addition, when the propaganda-conscious NVA suffereda defeat, it would be witnessed by the local populace and thusshatter the myth of Communist invincibility.

If the Marines could not be smashed, and the Communistshad tried several times, they had to be diverted or thinned out.The answer to the enemy's dilemma lay along the 17th Paallel.Gradually, they massed large troop concentrations within theDemilitarized Zone (DMZ), in Laos, and in the southern pan-handle of North Vietnam; in short, they were opening a newfront. Nguyen Van Mai, a high Communist official in Phnom Penh,Cambodia, predicted: "We will entice the Americans closer tothe North Vietnamese border and...bleed them without mercy."That remained to be seen.(3)

In response to the enemy buildup along the DMZ throughoutthe summer and fall of 1966, General Walt shifted Marine unitsfurther north. The 3d Marine Division Headquarters moved fromDa Nang to Phu Bai, and a Division Forward Command Post (CP)continued to Dong Ha so that it could respond rapidly to develop-ments along the DMZ. In turn the 1st Marine Division Headquartersmoved from Chu Lai to Da Nang and took control of operations incentral and southern I Corps. For specific, short-term operations,the division commanders frequently delegated authority to atask force headquarters. The task force was a semipermanentorganization composed of temporarily assigned units under onecommander, usually a general officer. Because of the fluid,fast-moving type of warfare peculiar to Vietnam, the individualbattalion became a key element and went where it was needed the


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most. It might operate under a task force headquarters or aregiment other than its own parent unit. For example, it wouldnot be uncommon for the 2d Battalion, 9th Marines to be attached

to the 3d Marines while the 2d Battalion, 3d Marines was a partof another command. Commitments were met with units that werethe most readily available at the time.(4)

With the buildup of American troops in Quang Tn province,

there logically followed the buildup of installations. Dong Hawas the largest since it served •as the brain and nervous systemof the entire area. Eight miles to the southwest was Camp J.J. Carroll, a large artillery base. The Marine units therewere reinforced by several batteries of U. S. Army 175mm gunswhich had the capability of firing into North Vietnam. Locatedat the base of a jagged mountain ten miles west of Camp Carrollwas another artillery base- -the Rockpile. This facility alsohad 175mm guns and extended the range of American artillerysupport almost to the Laotian border. In addition, the Marinesbuilt a series of strongpoints paralleling and just south ofthe DMZ. Gio Linh and Con Thien were the two largest sites.(See Map 2).

During the remainder of 1966 and in the first quarter of1967, the intensity of fighting in the eastern DMZ area in-creased. Each time the enemy troops made a foray across theDMZ, the Marines met and defeated them. By 31 March 1967, theNVA had lost 3,492 confirmed killed in action (KIA) in thenorthern operations while the Marines had suffered 541 killed.For the Communists, it appeared that direct assaults acrossthe DMZ were proving too costly--even by their standards.(5)

The Khe Sarih Plateau, in western Quang Tn Province, pro-vided the NVA with an excellent alternative0 The late DoctorBernard B. Fall compared the whole of Vietnam to "two ricebaskets on opposite ends of a carrying pole." Such being thecase, Khe Sanh is located at the pole's fulcrum in the heart ofthe rugged Annamite Range. Studded with piedmont-type hills,this area provides a natural infiltration route. Most of themountain trails are hidden by tree canopies up to 60 feet inheight, dense elephant grass, and bamboo thickets. Concealmentfrom reconnaissance aircraft is good, and the heavy jungle under-growth limits ground observation to five meters in most places.Dong Tn Mountain (1,015 meters high), the highest peak in theregion, along with Hill 861 and Hills 881 North and Southdominate the two main avenues of approach.(*) One of these,

(*) Tne number indicates the height of the hill in meters.


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the western access, runs along Route 9 from the Laotian border,through the village of Lang Vei to Khe Sanh. The other is asmall valley to the northwest, formed by the Rao Qian River,which runs between Dong Tn Mountain and Hill 861. (See Map 3).

Another key terrain feature is Hill 558 which is located squarelyin the center of the northwestern approach. The only stumblingblock to the NVA in early 1967 was a handful of Marines, U. S.Army Special Force.s advisors, and South Vietnamese irregulars.(6) (See Map 3).

The "Green Berets" were the first American troops in thearea when, in August 1962, they established a Civilian IrregularDefense Group (CIDG) at the same site which later became theKhe Sanh Combat Base (KSCB). The first Marine unit of any size

to visit the area was the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines (1/1)

which, in April 1966, was participating in Operation VIRGINIA.In early October 1966, the 1st Battalion, 3d Marines, which wastaking part in Operation PRAIRIE, moved into the base and theCIDG camp was relocated near Lang Vei, 9,000 meters to the south-west where it continued surveillance and counteninfiltrationoperations. The battalion remained at Khe Sanh with no signi-•ficant contacts until February 196? when it was replaced by asingle company, E/2/9.(*) In mid-March 1967, Company E becameengaged in a heavy action near Hill 861 and Company B, 1/9moved in to reinforce. After a successful conclusion of theoperation, E/2/9 returned to Phu Bai, and B/l/9 remained as theresident defense company.

The KSCB sat atop a plateau in the shadow of Dong TnMountain and overlooked a tributary of the Qang Tn River.Tne base had a small dirt airstrip, which had been surfaced bya U. S. Navy Mobile Construction Battalion (Seabees) in thesummer of 1966; the field could accommodate helicopters andfixed-wing transport aircraft. Organic artillery support wasprovided by Battery F, 2/12 (105mm), reinforced by two 155mmhowitzers and two 4.2-inch mortars. The Khe Sanh area of oper-ations was also within range of the 175mm guns of the U. S.Army's 2d Battalion, 94th Artillery at Camp Carroll and theRockpile. In addition to B/1/9 and the CIDG, there was a MarineCombined Action Company (CAC) and a Regional Forces companylocated in the village of Khe Sanh, approximately 3,500 meters

(*) The designation E/2/9 stands for Company E, 2d Battalion,9th Marines. This type of designation will be used perodicallyfor other Marine units throughout the text.


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south of the base.(*)

All these units sat astride the northwest-southeast axisof Route 9 and had the mission of denying the NVA a year-roundroute into eastern Quang Tn Province0 The garrison at KheSanh and the adjacent outposts commanded the approaches fromthe west which led to Dong Ha and Quang Tn City. Had thisstrategic plateau not been in the hands of the Americans, theNorth Vietnamese would have had an unobstructed invasion routeinto the two northern provinces and could have outflanked theAllied forces holding the line south of the DMZ. At that time,the Americans did not possess the helicopter resources, troopstrength, or logistical bases in this northern area to adopt acompletely mobile type of defense. Therefore, the troops atthe KSCB maintained a relatively static defense with emphasison patrolling, artillery and air interdiction, and occasionalreconnaissance in force operations to stifle infiltration throughthe Khe Sanh Plateau. In the event a major enemy threat de-veloped, General Walt could rapidly reinforce the combat baseby air.(7)

On 20 April 1967, the combat assets at KSCB were passed tothe operational control of the 3d Marines which had just com-menced Operation PRAIRIE IV, The Khe Sanh area of operationswas not included as a part of PRAIRIE IV but was the responsi-bility of the 3d Marines since that regiment was in the bestposition to oversee the base and reinforce if the need arose.The need arose very soon. (8)

On 24 April 1967, a patrol from Company B, 1/9 becameheavily engaged with an enemy force of unknown size north ofHill 861 and in the process prematurely triggered an elaborate

(*) The Combined Action Program was designed to increase theability of the local Vietnamese militia units to defend theirown villages. These units, referred to as Popular Forces, werereinforced by groups of Marines who lived, worked, and conductedoperations with their Vietnamese counterparts. A Combined ActionCompany was an organization controlling several Marine squadswhich served with different Combined Action Platoons. CombinedAction Company Oscar (CACO) was the unit operating in the KheSanh area. A Regional Forces company was comprised of localSouth Vietnamese soldiers along with their American and ARVN ad-visors who were under the operational control of the VietnameseProvince Chief.


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North Vietnamese offensive designed to overrun Khe Sath. Whatlater became known as the "Hill Fights" had begun. In retro-spect, it appears that the drive toward Khe Sanh was but oieprong of the enemy's winter-spring offensive, the ultimate ob-jective of which was the capture of Dong Ha, Quang Tn City,and eventually, Hue-Phu Bai.(*) That portion of the enemy planwhich pertained to Khe Sanh involved the isolation of the baseby artillery attacks on the Marine fire support bases in theeastern DNZ area (e.g., Camp Carroll, Con Thien, Gio Linh,etc.). These were closely coordinated with attacks by fire onthe logistical and helicopter installations at Dong Ha and PhuBai. Demolition teams cut Route 9 between Khe Sanh and Cam Loto prevent overland reinforcement and, later, a secondary attackwas launched against the camp at Lang Vei, which was manned byVietnamese CIDG personnel and U. S. Army Special Forces advisors.Under cover of heavy fog and low overcast which shrouded KheSanh for several weeks, the North Vietnamese moved a regimentinto the Hill 881/861 complex and constructed a maze of heavilyreinforced bunkers and gun positions from which they intendedto provide direct fire against the KSCB in support of theirassault troops. All of these efforts were ancillary to themain thrust- -a regimental-sized ground attack- -from the 325QNVA Division which would sweep in from the west and seize theairfield.(**)(9) (See Map 4).

The job of stopping the NVA was given to Colonel John P.Lanigan and his 3d Marines. Although he probably did not knowit when he arrived at Khe Sanh, this assignment would not beunlike one which 22 years before had earned him a Silver Staron Okinawa. Both involved pushing a fanatical enemy force offa hill.

(*) Tne III MAF and enemy operations during the period of theNVA/VC winter-spring offensive (1966-1967) will be the subjectof a separate monograph prepared by the Historical Branch.

(**) The diversionary attacks were all launched apparently enschedule. On 27 and 28 April, the previously mentioned Marinefire support and supply bases were hit by some 1,200 rocket,artillery, and mortar rounds. Route 9 was cut in several places.The Special Forces Camp at Lang Vei was attacked and severelymauled on 4 May. Only the main effort was detected and sub-sequently thwarted.


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On 25 April, the lead elements of the 3d Battalion, 3dMarines, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Gary Wilder, arrivedat Khe Sanh. The following day, 2/3, commanded by LieutenantColonel Earl R. De Long, which was taking part in OperationBEACON STAR east of Quang Tn City was airlifted to the combatbase. On the 27th, a fresh artillery battery, B/l/12, arrivedand reinforced F/2112; by the end of the day, the two units hadbeen reorganized into an artillery group with one battery indirect support of each battalion.(lO)

Late in the afternoon of the 28th, the Marine infantrymenwere ready to drive the enemy from the hill masses. Thesehills formed a near-perfect right triangle with Hill 881 North(N) at the apex and the other two at the base. Hill 861 wasthe closest to the combat base,some 5,000 meters northwest ofthe airstrip. Hill 881 South (5) was approximately 3,000 meterswest of 861 and 2,000 meters south of 88lN.

The concept of operations entailed a two-battalion (2/3and 3/3) assault for which Hill 861 was designated Objective 1;Hill 88lS was Objective 2 and Hill 881N was Objective 3. Fromits position south of Hill 861, 2/3 would assault and seizeObjective 1 on 28 April. The 3d Battalion would follow intrace of 2/3 and, after the first objective was taken, 3/3 wouldwheel to the west, secure the terrain between Hills 861 and88lS, then assault Objective 2 from a northeasterly direction.Coordinated with the 3/3 attack, 2/3 would consolidate its ob-jective then move out toward Hill 88lN to screen the rightflank of the 3d Battalion and reinforce if necessary. WhenObjectives 1 and 2 were secured, 3/3 would move to the northwestand support 2/3 while it assaulted Objective 3. (See Map 5).

After extremely heavy preparatory artillery fires andmassive air strikes, the 3d Marines kicked off the attack. Onthe 28th, 2/3 assaulted and seized Hill 861 in the face ofsporadic resistance. Most of the enemy troops had been literallyblown from their positions by heavy close air support strikesof the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing. The operation continued witha thrust against Hill 881S by 3/3. This area was the scene ofextremely bitter fighting for several days, because, by thistime, the NVA regiment which was originally slated for theattack on the airfield had been thrown into the hill battles ina vain effort to stop the Marines. After tons of artilleryshells and aerial bombs had been employed against the hill,Lieutenant Colonel Wilder's battalion bulled its way to thesummit and, on 2 May, secured the objective. In the meantime,


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Marines of Company C, 2d Battalion, 3d Marines inch theirway toward the summit of Hill 881N during the Hill fights.(USMC Photo A189161)

Close air support strikes of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wingand massive artillery fires paved the way for infantryassaults. (USMC Photo A421953)





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Lieutenant Colonel De Long's battalion pushed along the ridge-line leading from Hill 861 to 88lN. After smashing a determinedNVA counterattack on 3 May, the 2d Battalion battered its wayto the crest of Hill 881N and secured the final objective onthe afternoon of the 5th. The three hills belonged to theMarines.(ll)

The supporting arms had done a good job, for the top ofeach hill looked like the surface of the moon. The color ofthe summit had changed from a vivid green to a dull, ugly brown.All of the lush vegetation had been blasted away, leaving inits place a mass of churned-up dirt and splintered trees. Hun-

dreds of craters dotted the landscape serving as mute witnessesto the terrible pounding that the enemy had taken. What the NVAlearned during the operation was something the Marine Corps hadespoused for years- -that bombs and shells were cheaper thanblood.

Thus, the "Hill Fights" ended and the first major attemptby the NVA to take Khe Sanh was thwarted. All intelligence re-ports indicated that the badly mauled 325C NVA Division hadpulled back to lick its wounds, ending the immediate threat inwestern Quang Tn Province. With the pressure relieved for thetime being, General Walt began scaling down his forces at KheSanh, because the next phase of the enemy's winter/spring offen-sive involved a drive through the coastal plain toward Dong Ha.

From 11-13 May, 1/26 moved into the combat base and theadjacent hills to relieve the 3d Marines. By the evening ofthe 12th, 2/3 had been airlifted to Dong Ha and one artillerybattery, B/l/12, was pulled out by convoy. The following day,3/3 also returned to Dong Ha by truck. In the meantime, CompanyA, 1/26, was helilifted to Hill 881S while Company C took uppositions on Hill 861. Company B, 1/26, and a skeleton head-quarters of the 26th Marines arrived and remained at the base,as did a fresh artillery battery, A/l/l3. At 1500 on 13 May,Colonel John J. Padley, Commanding Officer. of the 26th Marines,Forward, relieved Colonel Lanigan as the Senior Officer Presentat Khe Sanh.(l2)

In his analysis of the operation, Colonel Lanigan reportedthat his men had been engaged in a conventional infantry battleagainst a well-trained, highly-disciplined, and well-entrenchedenemy force. In the past, the NVA had used phantom tactics whenengaging U. S. forces- -not so at Khe Sanh. The maze of bunker


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complexes served as a grim reminder of their determination tostay and fight. They openly challenged the Americans to pushthem off the hills, and the 3d Marines rose to the occasion.The fierce resistance was overcome by aggressive infantryassaults in coordination with artillery and close air support,which according to Colonel Lanigan was the most accurate anddevastating he had witnessed in three wars.

The Communists had anticipated a blood letting and theyreceived one. From 24 April through 12 May 1967, the NVA lost940. confirmed killed.(*) Even for the North Vietnamese, thiswas a massive defeat which could not be easily absorbed. But

the leaders in Hanoi were committed to a course of action whichtraded human lives for strategic expediency. Just like themonsoon rains, the enemy would come again.(13)

(*) Marine losses were 155 killed and 425 wounded.


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With the departure of the 3d Marines, a relative calm pre-vailed at Khe Sanh for the remainder of the year. Althoughoccasional encounters and sightings indicated that the Communistsstill had an interest in the area, there was a marked decreasein large unit contacts and the tempo of operations slackenedto a preinvasion pace0 Such was not the case in other portionsof Quang Tn Province,

During the summer and fall of 1967, the center of activityshifted to the eastern DMZ area. After being battered andthrown for a loss on their end sweep, the Communists concentra-ted on the middle of the line again. With an estimated 37battalions poised along the border, the NVA constituted agenuine threat to the northernmost province. At times as manyas eight Marine battalions were shuttled into the area forshort-term operations and three or four were there full time,but the enemy's intensified campaign created a demand for moretroops. As a result, General Westmoreland was forced to makemajor force realignments throughout South Vietnam to satisfythe troop requirements in I Corps.(14)

General Westmoreland drew the bulk of these reinforcementsfrom areas in Vietnam which, at the time, were under lesspressure than the five northern provinces. During April andMay 1967, Task Force OREGON, comprised of nine U. S. Army bat-talions from II and III Corps, moved into the Chu Lai-Duc Phoregion and was placed under the operational control of GeneralWait. By the end of May, five battalions of the 5th and 7thMarines at Chu Lai had been released for service further north.Two of these units moved into the Nui Loc Son Basin northwestof Tarn Ky to conduct offensive operations and support thesagging Vietnamese Revolutionary Development efforts. The otherthree settled in the Da Nang tactical area of responsibility(TADR) and in turn released two Marine battalions, 1/1 and 2/1,which moved to Thua Thien and Quang Tn provinces.

In addition to his in-country assets, General Westmorelandalso called on Admiral U. S. Grant Sharp, Commander in Chief,Pacific, for reinforcements. Besides the two Special LandingForces afloat with the Ti. S. Seventh Fleet, the Pacific Command


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maintained a Marine Battalion Landing Team (BLT 3/4) as anamphibious reserve on Okinawa.(*)(15) Actually, this unit waspart of the BLT rotation system whereby battalions were peri-odically shuttled out of Vietnam for retraining and refurbishingin Okinawa before assignment to the SLF. ComUSMACV needed theunit and got it. On 15 May, 3/4 began an airlift from Okinawato Dong Ha by Air Force and Marine C-130 aircraft and within31 hours the 1,233-man force was in-country. After the re-alignment of units in I Corps was complete, there was a netincrease of four USMC battalions in the DMZ area making a totalof seven. Additionally, the SLFs, cruising of f the Vietnamesecoast, provided two more battalions which could be landed quicklyand added to the III MAF inventory. SLF1.2lpha (BLT 1/3 andHNM-362) was placed on 24-hour alert to come ashore and SLFBravo (BLT 2/3 and HMM-164) was given a 96-hour reaction time.(16)

During the second half of 1967, the enemy offensive'southof the DMZ was a bloody repetition of the previous year's effort.With more courage than good sense, the NVA streamed across theDMZ throughout the summer only to be met and systematicallychewed up in one engagement after another0 In July, the enemy,supported by his long-range artillery along the Ben Hai, mounteda major thrust against the 9th Marines near the strongpoint ofCon Thien. Reinforced by SLFs Alpha and Bravo, the 9th Marinescountered with Operation BUFFALO and, between the 2d and 14thof July, killed 1,290 NVA. Marine losses were 159 dead and345 wounded.(l7)

After this crushing defeat, the NVA shifted its emphasisfrom direct infantry assaults to attacks by fire. Utilizing

(*) The two Special Landing Forces of the Seventh Fleet areeach comprised of a Marine Battalion Landing Team and a Marinehelicopter squadron, and provide ComUSMACV/CG, III MAF with ahighly-flexible, amphibious striking force for operations alongthe South Vietnam littoral. During the amphibious operation,operational control of the SLF remains with the Amphibious TaskForce Commander designated by Commander, Seventh Fleet. Thisrelationship may persist throughout the operation if coordina-tion with forces ashore does not dictate otherwise. When theSpecial Landing Force is firmly established ashore, operationalcontrol may be passed to CG, III MAF who, in turn, may shiftthis control to the division in whose area the SLF is operating.Under such circ*mstances, operational control of the helicoptersquadron is passed by. CG III MAF to the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing.


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Action near the DMZ was characterized by hard fighting inrugged terrain. A Marine of 3/4 moves forward duringOperation PRAIRIE. (USMC Photo A187904)

Marine Battalion Landing Teams aboard U. S. Seventh Fleetshipping augmented III MAF forces. USS Iwo Jima standsoff South Vietnamese coast, (USMC Photo A650016)


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long-range rockets and artillery pieces tucked away in caves andtreelines along the DMZ, the enemy regularly shelled Marine firesupport and logistical bases from Cam Lo to Cua Viet. One ofthe most destructive attacks was against Dong Ha where, on 3September, 41 enemy artillery rounds hit the base and touchedoff a series of spectacular explosions which lasted for over fourhours. Several helicopters were damaged but, more important, afuel farm and a huge stockpile of ammunition went up in smoke.Thousands of gallons of fuel and tons of ammunition were destroyed.The enormous column of smoke from the exploding dumps rose above12,000 feet and was visible as far south as Hue-Phu Bai.(l8)

The preponderance of enemy fire, however, was directedagainst Con Thien. That small strongpoint, never garrisoned bymore than a reinforced battalion, was situated atop Hill 158,10 miles northwest of Dong Ha and, from their small perch, theMarines had a commanding view of any activity in the area. Inaddition, from one to three battalions were always in the im-mediate vicinity and deployed so that they could outflank anymajor enemy force which tried to attack the strongpoint. ConThien also anchored the western end of "the barrier," a 600-meter-wide trace which extended eastward some eight miles to Gio Linh.This strip was part of an anti-infiltration system and had beenbulldozed flat to aid in visual detection.(*)(l9)

Because of its strategic importance, Con Thien became thescene of heavy fighting. The base itself was subjected toseveral ground attacks, plus an almost incessant artillerybombardment which, at its peak, reached 1,233 rounds in one 24-hour period. Most of the NVA and Marine casualties, however,were sustained by maneuver elements in the surrounding area.Operation KINGFISHER, which succeeded BUFFALO, continued aroundCon Thien and by 31 October, when it was superseded by two newoperations, had accounted for 1,117 enemy dead. Marine losseswere 340 killed.(**)(20)

(*) The system was an anti-infiltration barrier just south ofthe DMZ. Obstacles were used to channelize the enemy. Strong-points, such as Con Thien, served as patrol bases and firesupport bases.

(**) In addition to the action near the DMZ, there was one otherarea in I Corps that was a hub of activity. The Nui Loc SonBasin, a rice rich coastal plain between Hoi An and Tam Ky, wasthe operating area of the 2d NVA Division. Between April and


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While heavy fighting raged elsewhere, action around KheSanh continued to be light and sporadic. Immediately after itsarrival on 13 May, Colonel Padley's undermanned 26th Marinescommenced Operation CROCKETT.(*)(21) The mission was to occupykey terrain, deny the enemy access into vital areas, conductreconnaissance-in-force operations to destroy any elements with-in the TADR, and provide security for the base and adjacent out-posts. Colonel Padley was to support the Vietnamese irregularforces with his organic artillery as well as coordinate theefforts of the American advisors to those units. He also hadthe responsibility of maintaining small reconnaissance teamsfor long-range surveillance.(22)

To accomplish his mission, the colonel had one infantrybattalion, 1/26, a skeleton headquarters, and an artillerygroup under the control of 1/13. The 1st Battalion, 26th Marines,commanded by Lieutenant Colonel James B. Wilkinson, maintainedone rifle company on Hill 881S and one on 861; a security de-tachment on Hill 950 to protect a communication relay site; arifle company and the Headquarters and Service Company (H&S Co)for base security; and one company in reserve. The units onthe hill outposts patrolled continuously within a 4,000-meterradius of their positions. Reconnaissance teams were insertedfurther out, primarily to the north and northwest. Wheneverevidence revealed enemy activity in an area, company-sizedsearch and destroy sweeps were conducted. Although intelligencereports indicated that the three regiments of the 325C NVADivision (i.e. 95C, lOlD, and 29th) were still in the Khe SanhTAUR, there were few contacts during the opening weeks of theoperation. (23)

October 1967, Marine, U. S. Army, and ARVN troops conducted 13major operations (including 3 SLF landings) in this region andkilled 5,395 enemy soldiers. By the end of the year, the 2dNVA Division was temporarily rendered useless as a fighting unit.

(*) The official designation of the unit at Khe Sanh was Regi-mental Landing Team 26 (Forward) which consisted of one battalionand a lightly staffed headquarters. The other two battalionswere in-country but under the operational control of other units.The rest of the headquarters, RLT-26 (Rear), remained at CampSchwab, Okinawa as a pipeline for replacements. RLT-26 (Forward)was under the operational control of the 3d MarDiv and the ad-ministrative control of the 9th MAB. Any further mention of the26th Marines will refer only to RLT-26 (Forward).


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Toward the end of May and throughout June, however,activity picked up. On 21 May, elements of Company A, 1/26,clashed sharply with a reinforced enemy company; 25 NVA and 2Marines were killed. The same day, the Lang Vei CIDG camp wasattacked by an enemy platoon. On6 June, the radio relay siteon Hill 950 was hit by an NVA force of unknown size and thecombat base was mortared. The following morning a patrol fromCompany B, 1/26,. engaged another enemy company approximately2,000 meters northwest of Hill 88lS. A platoon from Company Awas helilif ted to the scene and the two Marine units killed 66NVA while losing 18 men. Due to the increasing number of con-tacts, the 3d Battalion, 26th Marines, commanded by LieutenantColonel Kurt L. Hoch, was transferred to the operational controlof its parent unit and arrived at Khe Sanh on 13 June. Two weekslater, the newly arrived unit got a crack at the NVA when Compa-nies I and L engaged two enemy companies 5,000 meters southwestof the base and, along with air and artillery, killed 35.(24)

Operation CROCKETT continued as a two-battalion effortuntil 16 July when it terminated. The cumulative casualtyfigures were 204 enemy KIA (confirmed), 52 Marines KIA, and255 Marines wounded. The following day, operations continuedunder a new name- -ARDMORE. The name was changed; the mission,the units, and the TAUR remained basically the same. But again

the fighting tapered off. Except for occasional contacts byreconnaissance teams and patrols, July and August were q-uiet.(25)

On 12 August, Colonel David E. Lownds relieved ColonelPadley as the commanding officer of the 26th Marines. At thistime the 3d Marine Division was deployed from the area northof Da Nang to the DMZ and from the South China Sea to the Laotianborder. In order to maintain the initiative, Lieutenant GeneralRobert E. Cushman, Jr., who had relieved General Walt as CG, IIIMAF in June, drew down on certain units to provide sufficientinfantry strength for other operations. Except for severalsmall engagements Khe Sanh had remained relatively quiet; there-fore, on the day after Colonel Lownds assumed command, the regi-ment was whittled down by two companies when K and L, 3/26,were transferred to the 9th Marines for Operation KINGFISHER.Tnree weeks later, the rest of 3/26 was also withdrawn and, asfar as Marine units were concerned, Colonel Lownds found him-self "not so much a regimental commander as the supervisor ofa battalion commander." The colonel, however, was still responsi-ble for coordinating the efforts of all the other Allied units(CACO, CIDG, RF, etc) in the Khe Sanh TADR.(26)


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Colonel John J. Padley turns over the colors andthe 26th Marines to Colonel David E. Lownds on 12August 1967. (Photo courtesy Colonel David E.Lownds)


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As Operation ARDJRE dragged on, the Marines at Khe Sanhconcentrated on improving the combat base. The men were keptbusy constructing bunkers and trenches both inside the peri-meter and on the hill outposts. On the hills, this proved tobe no small task as was pointed out by the 1/26 battalion com-mander, Lieutenant Colonel Wilkinson:

The monsoon rains had little effect on 881, butwhen the first torrential rains of the season hit 861the results were disastrous. The trenchline which en-circled the hill washed away completely on one side ofthe position and caved in on another side. Some bunkerscollapsed while others were so weakened they had to becompletely rebuilt. Because of the poor soil and thesteepness of the terrain, the new bunkers were built al-most completely above ground. To provide drainage,twenty-seven 55 gallon steel drums, with the tops andbottoms removed, were installed in the sides of thetrenches around 861 so water would not stand in thetrenches. (Oulvert material was not available.) Allbunker materials, as well as other supplies, were de-livered to the hills by helicopter. Attempts were madeto obtain logs for fighting positions and bunkers in thecanopied jungle flanking the hills. This idea was notsuccessful. The trees close to 881 and 861 were so filledwith shrapnel from the battles the previous spring thatthe engineers did not want to ruin their chain saws onthe metal....In spite of the shortages, Marines of 1/26worked extremely hard until every Marine on 881(S) and861 had overhead cover.(27)

Another bit of foresight which was to prove a God-send inthe succeeding months was the decision by higher headquartersto improve the airstrip. The original runway had been a dirtstrip on top of which the U. S. Navy Seabees had laid aluminummatting. The 3,900-foot strip, however, did not have a rockbase and as a result of the heavy monsoon rains, mud formedunder the matting causing it to buckle in several places. Upondirection, Colonel Lownds closed the field on 17 August. Hismen located a hill 1,500 meters southwest of the perimeter whichserved as a quarry. Three 15-ton rock crushers, along withother heavy equipment, were hauled in and the Marine and Seabeeworking parties started the repairs. During September andOctober, U. S. Air Force C-l3Os of the 315th Air Division (underthe operational control of the 834th Air Division) delivered2,350 tons of matting, asphalt, and other construction material


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to the base by paradrops and a special low-altitude extractionsystem. (See page 76). While the field was shut down, resupplymissions were handled by helicopters arid C-7 "Caribou" whichcould land on short segments of th strip. Work continued until27 October when the field was reopened to C-l23 aircraft andlater, to C-130s.(28)

On 31 October, Operation ARDMORE came to an uneventful con-clusion. The absence of any major engagements was mirrored inthe casualty figures which showed that in three and a halfmonths, 113 NVA and 10 Marines were killed. The next day, 1November, the 26th Marines commenced another operation, new inname only--SCOTLAND I. Again the mission and units remainedthe same, and while the area of operations was altered slightly,SCOTLAND I was basically just an extension of ARDMORE.(29)

One incident in November which was to have a tremendouseffect on the future of the combat base was the arrival ofMajor General Rathvon McC. Tompkins at Phu Bai as the new Com-manding General, 3d Marine Division. General Tompkins tookover from Brigadier General Louis Metzger who had been servingas the Acting Division Commander following the death of MajorGeneral Bruno Hochmuth in a helicopter crash on 14 November.In addition to being an extremely able commander, General Tompkinspossessed a peppery yet gentlemanly quality which, in the gloomthat later shrouded Khe Sanh, often lifted the spirits of hissubordinates. His numerous inspection trips, even to the mostisolated units, provided th division commander with a first-hand knowledge of the tactical situation in northern I Corpswhich would never have been gained by simply sitting behind adesk. When the heavy fighting broke out at Khe Sanh, the generalvisited the combat base almost daily. Few people were to in-fluence the coming battle more than General Tompkins or have asmany close calls.(30)

During December, there was another surge of enemy activity.Reconnaissance teams reported large groups of NVA moving intothe are&band, this time, they were not passing through; theywere staying. There was an increased number of contacts betweenMarine patrols and enemy units. The companies on Hills 88lSand 861 began receiving more and more sniper fire. Not onlythe hill outposts, but the combat base itself, received numerousprobes along the perimeter. In some cases, the defensive wirewas cut and replaced in such a manner that the break was hardto detect. The situation warranted action, and again GeneralCushman directed 3/26 to rejoin the regiment. On 13 December,


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the 3d Battalion, under its new comrnnder, Lieutenant ColonelHarry L. Alderman (who assumed command 21 August), was air-lifted back to Khe Sanh and the 26th Marines.(31)

On the 21st, the newly-arrived Marines saddled up and tookto the field. This was the first time that Colonel Lownds hadbeen able to commit a battalion-sized force since 3/26 had leftKhe S.anh in August. Lieutenant Colonel Alderman's unit washelilif ted to 881S where it conducted a sweep toward Hill 918,some 5,100 meters to the west, and then returned to the combatbase by the way of Hill 689. The 3d Battalion made no contactwith the enemy during the five-day operation but the effortproved to be extremely valuable. First of all, the men of 3/26became familiar with the terrain to the west and south of Hill881S--a position which was later occupied by elements of the 3dBattalion. The Marines located the best avenues of approach tothe hill, as well as probable sites for the enemy's supportingweapons. Secondly, and most important, the unit turned upevidence (fresh foxholes, wellused trails, caches, etc.) whichindicated that the NVA was moving into the area in force. Thesesigns further strengthened the battalion and regimental com-manders' belief that "things were picking up," and the con-frontation which many predicted would come was not far off.Captain Richard D. Camp, the company commander of_L/3/26 put ita little more bluntly: "I can smell.../the enem/."(32)


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General Leonard F. Chapman, Jr., Commandant of the Marine Corps, talkswith his son, First Lieutenant Walton F. Chapman, during the General'svisit to Khe Sanh in January 1968. Lieutenant Chapman served with the1st Battalion, 26th Marines and spent a good portion of the siege onHill 950. (USMC Photo A190283)

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With the beginning of the new year, Khe Sánh again becamethe focal point of enemy activity in I Corps. All evidencepointed to a North Vietnamese offensive similar to the one in1967, only on a much larger scale. From various intelligencesources, the III MAF, 3d Marine Division, and 26th MarinesHeadquarters learned that NVA units, which usually came downthe "Santa Fe Trail" and skirted the combat base outside ofartillery range, were moving into the Khe Sanh area and stay-ing.(*)(33) At first, the reports showed the influx of in-dividual regiments, then a division headquarters; finally afront headquarters was established indicating that at leasttwo NVA divisions were in the vicinity. In fact, the 325C NVADivision had moved back into the region north of Hill 881N whilea newcomer to the area, the 304th NVA Division, had crossedover from Laos and established positions southwest of the base.The 304th was an elite home guard division from Hanoi which hadbeen a participant at Dien Bien Phu.(**)(34) The entire forceincluded six infantry regiments, two artillery regiments, anunknown number of tanks, plus miscellaneous support and serviceunits. Gradually, the enemy shifted his emphasis from reconnais-sance and harassment to actual probes and began exerting more

and more pressure on Allied outposts and patrols. One incident

which reinforced the belief that something big was in the wind

occurred on 2 January near a Marine listening post just outsidethe main perimeter.(35)

(*) The Santa Fe Trail is a branch of the Ho Chi Minh Trailwhich closely parallels the South Vietnam/Laos border.

(**) In addition, one regiment of the 324th Division was lo-cated in the central DMZ some 10-15 miles from Khe Sanh andmaintained a resupply role. In the early stages of the siege,the presence of the 320th Division was confirmed north of the

Rockpile within easy reinforcing distance of Khe Sanh; thus,General Westmoreland and General Cushman were initially faced

with the possibility that Khe Sanh would be attacked by three

divisions plus a regiment. General Tompkins, however, keptconstant pressure on these additional enemy units and alleviated

their threat.


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The post was located approximately 400 meters from thewestern end of the airstrip and north of where the Company L,3/26 lines tied in with those of 1/26. At 2030, a sentry dogwas alerted by movement outside the perimeter and a few minuteslater the Marines manning the post reported that six unidentifiedpersons were approaching the defensive wire. Oddly enough, thenocturnal visitors were not crawling or attempting to hide theirpresence; they were walking around as if they owned the place.A squad from L/3/26, headed by Second Lieutenant Nile B.Buff ington, was dispatched to investigate. Earlier in the daythe squad had rehearsed the proper procedure for relieving thelistening post and had received a briefing on fire discipline.The training was shortly put to good use.

Lieutenant BUff ington saw that the six men were dressedlike Marines and, while no friendly patrols were reported inthe area, he challenged the strangers in clear English to besure. Tnere was no reply. A second challenge was issued and,this time, the lieutenant saw one of the men make a motion asif going for a hand grenade. The Marines opened fire and quicklycut down five of the six intruders. One enemy soldier died withhis finger inserted in the pin of a grenade. The awesome hit-ting power of the M-l6 rifle was quite evident since all fivemen were apparently dead by the time they hit the ground. Thelone survivor was wounded but managed to escape after retrievingsome papers from a mapcase which was on one of the bodies. Usinga sentry 'dog, the Marines followed a trail of blood to the south-west but gave up the hunt in the darkness. The direction theenemy soldier was heading led the Marines to believe that hisunit was located beyond the rock quarry.

The importance of the contact was not realized until laterwhen intelligence personnel discovered that all five of theenemy dead were officers including an NVA regimental commander,operations officer, and communications officer. The fact thatthe North Vietnamese would commit such key men to a highlydangerous, personal reconnaissance indicated that Khe Sanh wasback at the top of the Communists' priority list.(36)

This series of events did not go unnoticed at higher head-quarters. General ushman saw that Colonel Lownds had more onhis hands than could be handled by two battalions and directedthat 2/26 be transferred to the operational control of itsparent unit. On 16 January, 2/26, commanded by Lieutenant ColonelFrancis J. Heath, Jr., landed at the Khe Sanh Combat Base; itsarrival marked the first time that the three battalions of the


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26th Marines had operated together in combat since Iwo Jima.The rapid deployment of Lieutenant Colonel Heath's unit wasanother example of the speed with which large number of troopscould be committed to battle. The regimental commander knewthat he would be getting reinforcements but he did not knowexactly when they would arrive; he was informed by telephonejust as the lead transports were entering the landing pattern.The question that then arose was: "Where could the newcomersdo the most good?(37)

Outside of the combat base itself, there were several areaswhich were vital. The most critical points were the hill out-posts, because both General Tompkins and Colonel Lownds werewell aware of what had happened at Dien Bien Phu when the VietMinh owned the mountains and the French owned the valley. It

was essential that the hills around Khe Sanh remain in the handsof the Marines, Shortly after its arrival in mid-December 1967,3/26 had relieved 1/26 of most of this responsibility. CompanyI, 3/26, along with a three-gun detachment of 105mm howitzersfrom Battery C, 1/13, was situated atop Hill 88lS; Company K,3/26, with two 4.2-inch mortars, was entrenched on Hill 861; andthe 2d Platoon, AIl/26 defended the radio-relay site on Hill950. This arrangement still left the NVA with an excellent ave-nue of approach through the Rao Quan Valley which runs betweenHills 861 and 950. The regimental commander decided to plugthat gap with the newly arrived 2d Battalion0(38)

At 1400 the day it arrived, Company F, 2/26, conducted atactical march to Hill 558--a small knob which sat squarely inthe middle of the northwestern approach. The rest of the bat-talion spent the night in an assembly area approximately 1,300meters west of the airstrip. The following day, LieutenantColonel Heath moved his three remaining companies and the CPgroup overland to join Company F. Once the Marines were dugin, the perimeter completely encompassed Hill 558 and blockedenemy movement through the Rao Quan Valley. (39)

Even with 2/26 in position, there was still a flaw in thenorthern screen. The line of sight between K/3/26, on Hill 861,and 2/26 was masked by a ridgeline which extended from the summitof 861 to the northeast. This stretch of high ground preventedthe two units from supportthg each other by fire and created acorridor through which the North Vietnamese could maneuver toflank either Marine outpost. About a week after his arrival onHill 558, Captain Earle G0 Breeding was ordered to take his company,E/2/26, and occupy the finger at a point approximately 400-500


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metrs northeast of K13/26. From this new vantage point, dubbedHill 86lA, Company E blocked the ridgeline and was in a good po-sition to protect the flank of 2/26. Because of its proximityto K/3126, Company E, 2/26, was later transferred to the oper-ational control of the 3d Battalion. Although these units didnot form one continuous defensive line, they did occupy the keyterrain which overlooked the valley floor.(40)

With the primary avenue of approach blScked, Colonel Lowndsutilized his remaining assets to provide base security and con-duct an occasional search and destroy mission. The 1st Battalionwas given the lion's share of the perimeter to defend with linesthat extended around three sides of the airstrip. LieutenantColonel Wilkinson's Marines occupied positions that paralleledthe runway to the north (Blue Sector), crossed the eastern endof the strip, and continued back to the west along the southernboundary of the base (Grey Sector). The southwestern portionof the compound was manned by Forward Operating Base-3 (FOB-3),a conglomeration of indigenous personnel and American advisorsunder the direct control of a U. S. Army Special Forces com-mander. FOB-3 tied in with 1/26 on the east and L/3/26 on thewest. Company L, 3/26, was responsible for the northwesternsection (Red Sector) of the base and was thinly spread overapproximately 3,000 meters of perimeter. The remaining companyfrom the 3d Battalion, M/3/26, was held in reserve until 19January when two platoons and a command group were heliliftedto 881S. Even though it held a portion of the perimeter, CompanyD, 1/26 became the reserve and the remaining platoon from M/3/26also remained at the base as a reaction force,(*)(41)

In addition to his infantry units, the regimental commanderhad an impressive array of artillery and armor, LieutenantColonel John A0 Hennelly's 1/13 provided direct support for the26th Marines with one 4.2-inch mortar battery, three 105mmhowitzer batteries, and one provisional 155mm howitzer battery(towed). The 175mm guns of the U. S. Army's 2d Battalion, 94th

(*) On the 21st, a platoon from A/l/26 reinforced K/3/26 onHill 861 and a second platoon from Company A later followed suit.Throughout most of the siege the line up on the hill outpost re-mained as follows: Hill 881S--Company I, 3/26 plus two platoonsand a command group from Company M 3/26; Hill 861- -Company K,3/26 plus two platoons from Company A, 1/26; Hill 861A- -CompanyE, 2/26; Hill 558--2/26 (minus the one company on 86lA); Hill950--one platoon from 1/26.


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Artillery at Camp Carroll and the Rockpile were in generalsupport. Five 90mm tanks from the 3d Tank Battalion, whichhad been moved to Khe Sanh before Route 9 was cut, were attachedto the 26th Marines along with two Ontos platoons from the 3dAntitank Battalion.(*) These highly mobile tracked vehiclescould be rapidly mustered at any threatened point so ColonelLowads generally held his armor in the southwestern portion ofthe compound as a back-up for L/3/26 and FOB-3. All told, theKhe Sanh defenders could count on fire support from 46 artillerypieces of varied calibers, 5 90mm tank guns, and 92 single orOritos-mounted 106mm recoilless rifles. With an estimated15,000 to 20,000 North Vietnamese lurking in the surroundinghills, the Marines would need it all.(42)

Ironically, the incidents which heralded the beginning offull-scale hostilities in 1968 occurred in the same generalarea as the encounter which touched off tha heavy fighting in1967. On 19 January 1968, the 3d Platoon, 1/3/26 was patrollingalong a ridgeline 700 meters southwest of Hill 881N where, twodays before, a Marine reconnaissance team had been ambushed.The team leader and radioman were killed and, while the bodieshad been recovered, the radio and a coded frequency card weremissing. The 3d Platoon was scouring the ambush site for theseitems when it was taken under fire by an estimated 25 NVA troops.The Marines returned fire, then broke contact while friendlyartillery plastered the enemy positions.

The next morning, Company I, commanded by Captain WilliamH. Dabney, returned to the scene in force. The captain actuallyhad two missions: first, to try and make contact with the enemy,and, second, to insert another reconnaissance team in the vicinityof the ambush site. Two platoons and a command group from CompanyM, 3/26, commanded by Captain John .J. Gilece, Jr. were heliliftedto 881S and manned the perimeter while Company I moved out tothe north.(**) The terrain between 881S and its northern twindropped off into a deep ravine and then sloped gradually upwardto the crest of 88lN. The southern face of 881N had two parallel

(*) The Ontos is a lightly armored tracked vehicle armed withsix 106mm recoilless rifles. Originally designed as a tankkiller, it is primarily 'used in Vietnam to support the infantry.

(**) Captain Gilece was wounded by sniper fire and on 1 Febru-ary, First Lieutenant John T. Esslinger, the executive officer,assumed command.


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Five M-48 tanks of the 3d Tank Battalion lent theweight of their 90mm guns to the defense of thecombat base. (USMC Photo A190384)

Two Ontos platoons of the 3d Antitank Battalion were onhand at Khe Sanh. The Ontos sports six 106mm recoillessrifles with coaxially mounted .50 caliber spotting rifles.(USMC Photo A369169)


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ridgelines about 500 meters apart which ran up the hill andprovided the company with excellent avenues of approach. Thesetwo fingers were dotted with a series of small knobs whichCaptain Dabney had designated as in'ermediate objectives.

The Marines moved out at 0500 proceeding along two axeswith the 1st and 2d Platoons on the left ridgeline and the 3dPlatoon on the right. The ground fog was so thick that the mengroped along at a snail's pace probing to their front with ex-tended rifles much the same way a blind man uses a walking cane.For that reason, Captain Dabney had placed Second LieutenantHarry F. Fromme's 1st Platoon and Second Lieutenant Thomas D.Brindley's 3d Platoon in the lead because both units had patrolledthis area frequently and the commanders knew the terrain likethe back of their hands. In spite of this, by 0900 the entireforce had covered only a few hundred meters but then the fogbegan to lift enabling the Marines to move out at a brisker pace.The company swept out of the draw at the northern base of 881S,secured its first intermediate objective without incident, andthen advanced toward a stretch of high ground which was punctuatedby four innocent-looking little hills. These formed an east-west line which ran perpendicular to and bisected the Marines'intended route of march. As it turned out this area was occupiedby elements of an NVA battalion and each mound was a link in aheavily-fortified defensive chain. (43)

As the element on the right moved forward after a pre-cautionary 105mm artillery concentration, the enemy opened upwith small arms, .50 caliber machine guns, and grenade launchers(RPG5). The resistance was so stiff that Captain Dabney orderedLieutenant Brindley to hold up his advance and call for moreartillery while the force on the left pushed forward far enoughto place flanking fire on the NVA position. The 1st and 2dPlatoons, however, fared no better; volleys of machine gun firefrom the other enemy-owned hills cut through the Marine rankslike giant scythes and, in less than 30 seconds, 20 men were outof action, most with severe leg wounds. Caught in a cross fire,the captain ordered Frornme to hold up and evacuate his wounded.Again, Lieutenant Brindley's men on the right surged forward inthe wake of 155mm prep fires. The assault, as described by oneobserver, was like a "page out of Lthe life of! Chesty Puller."(*)

(*) Lieutenant General Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, a legendaryfigure in Marine Corps history, is the only Marine to have wonthe Navy Cross five times.


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The ambush of a Marine reconnaissance team near 881N on17 January 1968 was the prelude to the opening battlethree days later. (t.JSMC Photo A188243)

A view of Hill 881N (1) from its southern twin. Actionon 20 January took place on ridgelines (2) and (3).(Photo courtesy Major William H. Dabney)


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Brindley was everywhere; he moved from flank to flank slappinghis men on the back and urging them on. The lieutenant led hisplatoon up the slope and was the first man on top of the hillbut, for him, the assault ended there--he was cut down by asniper bullet and died within minutes.(*)

During the advance, the recon team, which had volunteeredto join the attack, veered off to the right into a small drawand became separated from the rest of the platoon. When theenemy troops were finally driven off the hill, they fled tothe east and inadvertently smashed headlong into the isolatedteam. After a brief but savage fight, the North Vietnamese over-ran the team and made good their escape; most of the reconMarines were seriously wounded and lay exposed to direct firefrom the enemy on the easterrimost hill. Several other men inthe 3d Platoon were hit during the wild charge and by the timethe objective had been taken, the radioman- -a corporal- -discoveredthat he was the senior man in the platoon. He quickly reportedthat fact to Captain Dabney.

The company commander saw that the enemy defense hingedon the center hill which the 3d Platoon had just taken. If hecould consolidate that objective, Dabney would have a vantagepoint from which to support, by fire, assaults on the otherthree NVA positions. Second Lieutenant Richard M. Foley, theCompany I Executive Officer, had moved up to take command of the3d Platoon and he reported that while the unit had firm pos-session of the hill, there were not enough men left to evacuatethe casualties. In addition, he could not locate the recon teamand his anmunition was running low. Dabney, therefore, orderedLieutenant Fromme's lt Platoon to remain in place and supportthe left flank of the 3d Platoon by fire. With Second Lieu-tenant Michael H. Thomas' 2d Platoon which had been in reserveon the left, the company commander pulled back to the south,hooked around to the east and joined Foley's unit on its objec-tive. The officers tried to evacuate the wounded and reorganizebut this attempt was complicated by the fact that one half ofthe hastily formed perimeter was being pelted by .50 calibermachine gun and sniper fire from the enemy's easternmost position.

At this point, there were two acts of extraordinary heroism.Lieutenant Thomas, who was crouched in a crater alongside thecompany commander, was informed of the wounded recon Marines who

(*) Lieutenant Brindley was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross.


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lay in the open at the eastern base of the hill. Even thoughit was courting certain death to do so, Thomas jumped out ofthe hole without hesitation and started down the hill. He hadonly gotten a few steps when an enemy sniper shot him throughthe head killing him instantly.(*) In spite of what happenedto the lieutenant, Sergeant Daniel C. Jessup quickly followedhis lead. While the NVA hammered away at the exposed slope withcontinuous machine gun and sniper fire, the sergeant slitheredover the crest and crawled down the hill to locate the recon

unit. Once at the bottom, he found the team in a small saddlewhich was covered with elephant grass; two of the Marines weredead and five were seriously wounded. Jessup hoisted one of thewounded men onto his back and made the return trip up the fire-swept slope. Gathering up a handful of Marines, the sergeantreturned and supervised the evacuation of the entire team. Whenall the dead and wounded had been retrieved, Jessup zig-zaggeddown the hill a third time to gather up weapons and insure thatno one had been left behind. For his calm courage and devotionto his comrades, Sergeant Jessup was later awarded the Silver Star.

The heavy fighting raged throughout the afternoon. Lieu-tenant Colonel Alderman, his operations officer, Major MatthewP. Caulfield, and representatives of the Fire Support Coordina-tion Center (FSCC) flew from Khe Sanh to Hill 881S by helicopterso they could personally oversee the battle. During the action,Company I drew heavy support from the recoilless rifles, mortars,and 105mm howitzers on Hill 831S, as well as the batteries at}ie Sanh. In addition, Marine jets armed with 500-pound bombsstreaked in and literally blew the top off of the easternrnostenemy hill, while other fighter/bombers completely smotheredone NVA counterattack with napalm. A CH-46 helicopter from MarineAircraft Group 36 was shot down while attempting to evacuatecasualties but another Sea Knight swooped in and picked up thepilot and copilot. The crew chief had juiiped from the blazingchopper while it was still airborne and broke his leg; he wasrescued by Lieutenant Fromme's men. This, however, was the onlyhighlight for the North Vietnamese because Company I had crackedthe center of their defense and, under the savage air and ar-tillery bombardment, the rest of the line was beginning tocrumble . (46)

Lieutenant Colonel Alderman realized that his men weregaining the advantage and requested reinforcements with which

(*) For his actions throughout the battle, Lieutenant Thomaswas posthumously awarded the Navy Cross.


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to exploit the situation. Colonel Lownds, however, denied therequest and directed the 3/26 commander to pull Company I backto Hill 881S immediately. The order was passed on to CaptainDabney and it hit him like a thunderbolt. His men had beenfighting hard all day and he hated to tell them to call it offat that point. Nonetheless, he rapidly disengaged, collectedhis casualties, and withdrew. The struggle had cost the enemydearly: 103 North Vietnamese were killed while friendly losseswere 7 killed, including two platoon commanders, and 35 wounded.A.s the weary Marines trudged back to Hill 88lS, they were under-standably disappointed at not being able to continue the attack.It wasn't until later that they learned why they had been haltedjust when victory was in sight.(*)(47)

Colonel Lownds' decision to break off the battle was notborn out of faintheartedness, but was based on a valuable pieceof intelligence that he received earlier in the afternoon. Thatintelligence came in the form of a NVA first lieutenant who wasthe commanding officer of the 14th Antiaircraft 95CRegiment, 325C NVA Division; at 1400, he appeared off the easternend of .the runway with an AK-47 rifle in one hand and a whiteflag in the other. Under the covering guns of two Ontos, a fireteam from the 2d Platoon, Company B, 1/26, took the young manin tow and, after Lieutenant Colonel Wilkinson had questionedhim briefly, the lieutenant was hustled off to the regimentalintelligence section for interrogation. The lieutenant had nocompunction about talking and gave the Marines a detailed de-scription of the forthcoming Communist offensive. As it turnedout, the accuracy of the account was surpassed only by its time-liness, because the first series of attacks was scheduled forthat very night- -against Hills 861 and 88lS. At the time ColonelLownds received this news, Company I was heavily engaged 1,000meters north of its defensive perimeter and he definitely didnot want Captain Dabney and his men to be caught away from theirfortified outpost when the NVA struck. Consequently, LieutenantColonel Alderman's request for reinforcements to press his ad-vantage was denied0(48)

When the first enemy rounds began falling on Hill 861shortly after midnight, Marines all along the front were inbunkers and trenches- -waiting. The heavy mortar barrage lasted

(*) NVA casualties were obviously much greater than 103 deadbecause the Marines counted only those bodies found during thewithdrawal.


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about 30 minutes and was supplemented by RPG, small arms, and

automatic weapons fire. This was followed by approximately 300

NVA troops who assaulted Hill 861. The van of the attackingforce was made up of sapper teams that rushed forward with banga-lore torpedoes and satchel charges to breach the defensive wire.Assault troops then poured through the gaps but were met and, inmost sectors, stopped cold by interlocking bands of grazingmachine gun fire.

In spite of the defensive fire, enemy soldiers penetratedthe K/3/26 lines on the southwestern side of the hill and over-ran the helo landing zone. The Company K perimeter encompasseda saddle, thus the crest of 861 was actually two hills; the

landing zone was on the lower one and the company CP was perchedatop a steep rise to the northeast. Before the enemy could ex-ploit the penetration, the Marines counterattacked down thetrenchline and pinched off the salient. After vicious hand-to-hand fighting, the men of Company K isolated the pocket and wipedout the North Vietnamese. Had the enemy been able to flood thebreach with his reserves, the situation might have become extremelycritical. When the fighting subsided, 47 NVA bodies were strewnover the hilltop while four Marines died holding their ground.(*)(49)

During the attack on 861, the 3d Battalion command groupremained on Hill 881S because bad weather prevented LieutenantColonel Alderman and his operations officer from returning tothe combat base.(**)(50) Major Caulfield contacted the Company Kcommand post by radio and found out that the fighting was indeedheavy. The company commander, Captain Norman J. Jasper, Jr.,had been hit three times and was out of action; the executiveofficer, First Lieutenant Jerry N. Saulsbury, was running theshow. The company gunnery sergeant was dead, the first sergeantwas badly wounded, and the radio operator had been blinded bypowder burns. Major Caulfield later recalled that the youngMarine remained at his post for almost two hours before being

(*) Many more North Vietnamese died that night than were found.The stench from the bodies decaying in the jungle around thehill became so strong that the men of K/3/26 were forced to weartheir gas masks for several days.

(**) Throughout the night, Lieutenant Colonel Alderman super-vised defensive operations from 881S and was assisted by analternate battalion command group at the base which was headedby the 3/26 Executive Officer, Major Joseph M. Loughran, Jr.


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relieved and was "as calm, cool, and collected as a telephoneoperator in New York City," even though he could not see athing. (51)

Some men on the hill had a rather unusual way of keepingtheir spirits up during the fight as First Sergeant Stephen L.Goddard discovered. The first sergeant had been hit in the neckand was pinching an artery shut with his fingers to keep frombleeding to death. As he moved around the perimeter, the Topheard a sound that simply had no place on a battlefield- - some-body was singing. After tracing the sound to a mortar pit,Goddard peered into the emplacement and found the gunnersbellowing out one stanza after another as they dropped rounusinto the tubes. The "ammo humpers" were also singing as theybroke open boxes of ammunition and passed the rounds to thegunners. Naturally, the name of the song was "The MarinesHymn. "( 52)

One decisive factor in this battle was that Hill 881S wasnot attacked. Company I did not receive a single mortar roundand the reprieve left the Marines free to lend unhindered sup-port to their comrades on 861. The bulk of this fire came fromthe Company I 81mm mortar section. Since Lieutenant ColonelAlderman and Major Caulfield were concerned about the possibilityof their position being attacked, they were careful not to de-plete their ammunition. Major Caulfield personally authorizedthe expenditure of every 20-round lot so he knew exactly howmany mortar rounds went out that night- -680. The mortar tubesbecame so hot that the Marines had to use their precious drinkingwater to keep them cool enough to fire; after the water, the menused fruit juice. When the juice ran out, they urinated on thetubes. The spirited support of Company I and its attached ele-ments played a big part in blunting the attack.(53)

There are two plausible explanations for the enemy's fail-ure to coordinate the attack on Hill 861 with one on 88lS. Lieu-tenant Colonel Alderman and Major Caulfield felt that CaptainDabney's fight on the afternoon of 20 January had crippled theNVA battalion which was slated for the attack on Hill 88lS anddisrupted the enemy's entire schedule. On the other hand,Company I had emerged from the engagement with relatively lightcasualties and was in fighting trim on the morning of the 21st.Another possibility was the manner in which Colonel Lownds uti-lized artillery and aircraft. The regimental commander did notuse his supporting arms to break up the attack directly; heleft that job up to the defenders themselves. Instead, the


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colonel called in massive air and artillery concentrations onpoints where the enemy would more than likely marshal his re-serves. MUch of the credit belong to Lieutenant ColonelHennelly's batteries at the base. One infantry officer on Hill881S, who observed the fire, described the Marine artillery as"absolutely and posittvely superb." Throughout the battle, theNorth Vietnamese assault commander was heard frantically scream-ing for his reserves- -he never received an answer. The factthat the initial attack on 861 was not followed up by anothereffort lent credence to the •theory that the backup force wasbeing cut to pieces to the rear while the assault troops weredying on the wire.(54)

The Marines did not have long to. gloat over their victorybecause at 0530 on the 21st the KSCB was subjected to an in-tense barrage. Hundreds of 82mm mortar rounds, artillery shells,and 122mm rockets slammed into the compound as Marines dived intobunkers and trenches.(*)(55) Damage at "ground zero" was ex-tensive: several helicopters were destroyed, trucks and tentswere riddled, one messhall was flattened, and fuel storage areaswere set ablaze. Colonel Lownds' quarters were demolished but,fortunately, the regimental commander was not in his hut at thetime. One of the first incoming rounds found its mark scoringa direct hit on the largest ammunition dump, which was situatednear the eastern end of the runway. The dump erupted in a seriesof blinding explosions which rocked the base and belched thousandsof burning artillery and mortar rounds into the air. Many ofthese maverick projectiles exploded on impact and added to thedevastation. Thousands of rounds were destroyed and much ofthis ammunition "cooked off" in the flames for the next 48 hours.In addition, one enemy round hit a cache of tear gas (Cs) re-leasing clouds of the pungent vapor which saturated the entirebase.(56)

The main ammunition dump was just inside the perimetermanned by Company B, 1/26,and the 2d Platoon, commanded by

(*) On Hill 88lS, Captain Dabney watched several hundred 122mmrockets lift off from the southern slope of 8.8lN- -a scant 300meters beyond the farthest point of his advance the day before.The enemy defensive positions between the two hills were obvi-ously designed to protect these launching sites. At the combatbase, the barrage did not catch the Marines completely by sur-prise; the regimental intelligence section had warned that anenemy attack was imminent and the entire base was on Red Alert.


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Second Lieutenant John W. Dillon, was in the hotseat throughoutthe attack. The unit occupied a trenchline which, at places,passed as close as 30 meters to the dump. In spite of theproximity of the "blast furnace," Lieutenant Dillon's men stayedin their positions, answered with their own mortars, and bracedfor the ground attack which never came. Throughout the ordeal,the 2d Platoon lines became an. impact area for all sizes of dudsfrom the dump which literally filled the trenchline with un-exploded ordnance. In addition, the men were pelted by tinyslivers of steel from the exploding antipersonnel ammunitionwhich became embedded in their flak jackets, clothing, and bareflesh. (57)

The fire raging in the main dump also hampered the rest ofthe 1st Battalion. The 81mm mortar platoon fired hundreds ofrounds in retaliation hut the ammo carriers had to crawl to andfrom the pits because of the exploding ammunition. CaptainKenneth W. Pipes, commanding officer of Company B, had to dis-place his command post three times when each position becameuntenable. Neither was the battalion CP exempt; at about 1000,a large quantity of C-4 plastic explosives in the blazing dumpwas touched off and the resulting shock waves cracked the timbersholding up the roof of Lieutenant Colonel Wilkinson's commandbunker. As the roof settled., several members of the staff wereknocked to the floor. For a moment it appeared that the entireoverhead would collapse but after sinking about a foot, thecracked timbers held. With a sigh of relief, the men insidequickly shored up the roof and went about their duties.(58)

The sudden onslaught produced a number of heroes, most ofwhom went unnoticed, Members of Force Logistics Group Bravo,and other personnel permanently stationed at the ammunition dump,charged into the inferno with fire extinguishers and shovels tofight the blaze. Motor transport drivers darted from the safetyof their bunkers to move trucks and other vehicles into revet-ments. Artillerymen quickly manned their guns and began re-turning fire. The executive officer of 1/13, Major Ronald W.Campbell, ignored the heavy barrage and raced from one shellhole to another analyzing the c-caters and collecting fragmentsso that he could determine the caliber of the enemy weapons aswell as the direction from which they were being fired. Muchof the counterbattery fire was a direct result of his efforts.(59)

Three other artillerymen from Battery C, 1/13, performedan equally heroic feat in the midst of the intense shelling.When the dump exploded, the C/l/13 positions, like those of 1/26,


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were showered with hundreds of hot duds which presented a grave

danger to the battery. The battery commander, Captain WilliamJ. O'Connor, the executive officer, First Lieutenant William L.

Everhart, and the supply sergeant, Sergeaiit Ronnie D. Whiteknight,immediately began picking up the burning rounds and carryingthem to a hole approximately 50 meters behind the gun pits. For

three hours, these Marines carried out between 75 and 100 dudsand disposed of them, knowing that any second one might explode.When the searing clouds of tear gas swept over the battery, manygunners were cut off from their gas masks. Lieutenant Everhartand Sergeant Whiteknight quickly gathered up as many masks asthey could carry and distributed them to the men in the gun po-sitions. The "cannon co*ckers" donned the masks and kept theirhowitzers in action throughout the attack.(60)

By this time, most of 1/13 had ceased firing counterbatterymissions and was supporting the defense force at Khe SanhVillage. An hour after the KSCB came u-ider attack, the CombinedAction Company (CACO) and a South Vietnamese Regional Forces (RF)company stationed in the village were hit by elements of the304th NVA Division. The enemy troops breached the defensivewire, penetrated the compound, and seized the dispensary. Heavystreet fighting ensued and, at 0810, the defenders finally drovethe enemy force from the village. Later that afternoon, two NVAcompanies again assaulted the village but, this time, artilleryand strike aircraft broke up the attack. Upon request of thedefenders, Lieutenant Colonel Hennelly's battalion fired over1,030 artillery rounds with variable time fuzes which resultedin airbursts over the defensive wire. During the action, asingle Marine A-6A "Intruder" knifed through the ground fireand killed about 100 of the attackers. Those enemy soldiers whopersisted were taken care of by close-in defensive fires and,when the fighting subsided, an American advisor counted 123North Vietnamese bodies on or around the barbed wire.(61)

Following the second attack, Colonel Lownds decided to with-draw these isolated units to the confines of the KSCBO Thevillage, which was the seat of the Huong Hoa District Headquarters,was not an ideal defensive position. The Allies were hamperedby restricted fields of fire and there was a temple just outsidethe village which overlooked the perimeter. Most important, aregiment of the 304th NVA Division was operating in the immediatevicinity. The colonel decided that he would rather evacuate thevillage while he could, instead of waiting until its occupantswere surrounded and fighting for their lives. Helicopters flewin and picked up the Marines and U. S. Army advisors; the Viet-namese troops and officials of the local government moved overland.


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Upon arrival, the CACO and RF companies, which totaled about250 men, took up positions in the southwestern sector of thebase and were absorbed by FDB3.(*)(62)

There was one other encoutiter on the 21st. At 1950, the2d Platoon, L/3/26, reported 25-30 enemy soldiers crawlingtoward the wire bordering Red Sector. The Marines opened fireand, within an hour, killed 14 North Vietnamese. Remnants ofthe attacking force were seen dragging dead and wounded comradesfrom the battlefield. Cumulative friendly casualties for theday, including those incurred on Hill 861, were 9 killed, 37wounded and evacuated (Medevaced), plus 38 wounded but returnedto duty.(63)

When the events of the 21st were flashed to the world viathe news media, many self-appointed experts in the United Statesbegan to speak out concerning the feasibility of maintaining thegarrison at Khe Sanh. Those who opposed the planned defense feltthat the Marines had been able to remain there only at thepleasure of the NVA. They pointed out that, in the precedingmonths, the installation had been of little concern to the NorthVietnamese because it was ineffective as a deterrent to inf ii-tration. The undermanned 26th Marines could not occupy theperimeter, man the hill outposts, and simultaneously conductthe constant, large-unit sweeps necessary to control the area.Therefore, the enemy could simply skirt the base and ignore it.A build-up, however, would make the prize worthwhile for theNVA, which badly needed a crushing victory over the Americansfor propaganda purpcses. By concentrating forces at Khe Sanh,the theory went, the Allies would be playing into the enemy'shands because the base was isolated and, with Route 9 inter-dicted, had to be completely supplied by air. Fearing thatKhe Sanh would become an American Dien Bien Phu, the criticsfavored a pull-out.

In Vietnam, where the decision was being made, there waslittle disagreement. The two key figures, General Westmorelandand General Cushman, "after discussing all aspects of the situ-ation, were in complete agreement from the start."(64) Therewere several reasons they decided to hold Khe Sanh at thattime. The base and adjacent outposts commanded the Khe SanhPlateau and the. main avenue of approach into eastern Quang Tn

(*) The Huong Hoa District Headqi.iarters operated from withinthe KSCB throughout the siege.


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General William C. Westmoreland, Lieutenant General Robert E. Cushman,ComUSMAOV (Photo courtesy Office of Jr., CG, iii NAF (USMC Photo A190016)the Chiaf of Staff, U. S. Army)

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Province. While the installation was not 100 percent effectiveas a deterrent to infiltration, it was a solid block to enemyinvasion and motorized supply from the west. Had the Alliespossessed greater strength in the northern provinces, they mighthave achieved the same ends with large and frequent airmobileassaults- -a concept which General Cushinan had advocated for sometime. In January 1968, he had neither the helicopter resources,the troops, nor the logistical bases for such operations. Theweather was another critical factor because the poor visibilityand low overcasts attendant to the monsoon season made helicopteroperations hazardous to say the least. Even if the III MAFcommander had the materiel and manpower for such large airmobileassaults, the weather precluded any such effort before March orApril. Until that time, the job of sealing off Route 9 wouldhave to be left up to the 26th Marines.(65)

An additional consideration for holding the base was therare and valuable opportunity to engage and destroy an, hereto-fore, elusive foe. Up to this time, there was hardly a commanderin Vietnam who, at one time or another,had not been frustratedin his attempts to box in the slippery NVA and VC units. At

Khe Sanh, the enemy showed no desire to hit and run but ratherto stand and fight; it was a good idea to oblige him. In effect,the 26th Marines would fix the enemy in position around the basewhile Allied air and artillery battered him into senselessness.Furthermore, the defense was envisioned as a classic example ofeconomy of force. Although there was conjecture that the NVAwas trying to draw American units to the DMZ area, the fact re-mained that two crack NVA divisions, which otherwise might haveparticipated in the later attacks on Hue and Quang Tn Ci.ty, were

tied down far from the vital internal organs of South Vietnam byone reinforced Marine regiment.(66)

Thus, with only two choices available- -withdraw or reinforce- -ComUSMACV chose the latter. In his "Report On The War InVietnam," General Westmoreland stated:

The question was whether we could afford the troopsto reinforce, keep them supplied by air, and defeat anenemy far superior in numbers as we waited for the weatherto clear, build forward bases, and made preparations foran overland relief expedition. I believed we could do allof those things. With the concurrence of the III MarineAmphibious Force Commander, Lieutenant General Robert E.cushman, Jr., I made the decision to reinforce and hold thearea while destroying the enemy with our massive firepower


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and to prepare for offensive operations when the weatherbecame favorable.

General Westmoreland reported his decision to Washington andmore troops began to pour into the combat base.(67)

On 22 January, the 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, commandedby Lieutenant Colonel John F. Mitchell, was transferred to theoperational control of the 26th Marines and arrived at 1900 thesame day. Ever since the three high ranking NVA officers werekilled outside Red Sector, General Tompkins and Colonel Lowndswere concerned over the unhealthy interest that the North Viet-namese were showing in the western perimeter. When 1/9 arrived,the colonel directed the battalion commander to establish de-fensive positions at the rock quarry, 1,500 meters southwest ofthe strip. Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell moved his unit over-land and set up a kidney-shaped perimeter around the quarry withhis CP perched atop a hill. In addition, he dispatched a platoonfrom Company A approximately 500 meters further west to set upa combat outpost on a small knob. The 1/9 lines curved near,but did not tie in with, those of L/3126; the small gap, how-ever, could easily be covered by fire. The western approachwas firmly blocked.(68) (See Map 6).

General Tompkins and Colonel Lownds also discussed plansfor the opposite side of the compound. This approach would havebeen the most difficult for the North Vietnamese to negotiatebecause the terrain east of the runway dropped off sharply tothe river below. This steep grade, however, was heavily woodedand provided the enemy with excellent concealment. The NVAtroops, masters at the art of camouflage, could have maneuvereddangerously close to the Marine lines before being detected.

The main reason for concern, however, was the testimony ofthe cooperative NVA lieutenant who had surrendered on the 20th.According to the lieutenant, the eastern avenue of approach wasthe key with which the Communists hoped to unlock the Khe Sanhdefenses. First, the NVA intended to attacI and seize Hills 861and 88lS, both of which would serve as fire support bases. Fromthese commanding positions, the enemy would push into the valleyand apply pressure along the northern and western portion of theMarines' perimeter. These efforts, however, were simply a di-version to conceal the main thrust- -a regimental ground attackfrom the opposite quarter. An assault regiment from the 304thDivision would skirt the base to the south, hook around to theeast, and attack paralleling the runway through the 1/26 lines.


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Two key figures in the defense of Khe Sanh: Major GeneralRathvon McC. Tompkins (L), CG, 3d MarDiv, and Colonel DavidE. Lownds (R), CO, 26th Marines. (Photo courtesy ColonelDavid E. Lownds)

General Tompkins (L) made helicopter trips into Khe Sanhalmost daily in spite of heavy enemy fire. (Photo courtesyDavid D. Duncan)


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Once the compound was penetrated, the North Vietnamese antici-pated that the entire Marine defense system would collapse.(69)

On 27 January, the 37th ARVN Ranger Battalion, the fifth andfinal battalion allotted for Khe Sanh, arrived.(*)(70) Under-standably, Colonel Lownds moved the ARVN unit into the easternportion of the perimeter to reinforce the 1st Battalion. Actually,the Marines were backing-up the South Vietnamese because theRanger Battalion occupied trenches some 200 meters outside the1/26 lines. Lieutenant Colonel Wilkinsonts men had already pre-pared these defensive positions for the new arrivals. The newtrenchline extended from the northeast corner of Blue Sector,looped across the runway, paralleled the inner trenchline of1/26, and tied back in with the Marine lines on the southeasterncorner of Grey Sector. (See Map 7) The only gap was where therunway extended through the ARVN lines; this section was coveredby two Ontos. At night, the gap was sealed off with strands ofGerman Tape- -a new type of razor-sharp barbed wire which was ex-tremely difficult to breach. The North Vietnamese would now haveto penetrate two lines of defense if they approached from theeast. (71)

As January drew to a close, the situation at Khe Sanh couldbe summed up in three words--enemy attack imminent. As a resultof rumblings of a large-scale Communist offensive throughoutSouth Vietnam, the scheduled Vietnamese Lunar New Year (TET)ceasefire was cancelled in I Corps and the 26th Marines bracedfor the inevitable. While they waited, they filled sandbags, dugdeeper trenches, reinforced bunkers, conducted local securitypatrols, and, in general, established a pattern which would re-main unbroken for the next two months, The NVA also establisheda routine as enemy gunners daily shelled the base and hill out-posts while assault units probed for a soft spot. Thus the twoadversaries faced each other like boxers in a championship bout;one danced around nimbly throwing jabs while the second stoodfast waiting to score the counterpunch that would end the fight.(72)

(*) ARVN battalions were considerably smaller than Marine bat-talions and the 37th Ranger was no exception. Even by V5triamesestandards, the unit was undermanned; it had 318 men when it arrived.


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A BTRY105mm




I / 26














I / 26

37th ARVN




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When the Communists launched their TET Offensive on 30January, they struck in force almost everywhere in South Vietnamexcept Khe Sanh. Their prime targets were not military instal-lations but the major population centers--36 provincial capitals,64 district capitals, and 5 autonomous cities. The leaders inHanoi were apparently becoming dissatisfied with their attemptsto win in the. South by a protracted war of attrition and decidedon one massive stroke to tip the scales in their favor. Con-seqiiently, the enemy unleashed some 62,000 troops, many of whominfiltrated the cities disguised as civilians, in hopes thatthey could foster a public uprising against the central govern-ment and encourage mass defections among the Republic of VietnamArmed Forces. Virtually all available VC main and local forceunits were thrown into the initial attacks. With the exceptionof Hue and Da Nang, NVA units were generally committed a fewdays later to reinforce the assault troops.(73)

The sudden onslaught initially achieved surprise but, in thefinal analysis, the overall military effort failed miserably.Allied forces reacted quickly and drove the invaders from. thecities and towns, killing approximately 32,000 (as of 11 February)hard-core guerrillas and North Vietnamese soldiers in the process.Many Viet Cong units, with no other orders than to take theirinitial objectives and hold until reinforcements arrived, werewiped out completely. Ironically, these elite cadres were thebackbone of the guerrilla infrastructure in the South which theCommunists, up to that point, had tried so hard to preserve. In

Saigon and Hue, die-hard remnants held out for several weeks but,for the most part, the attacks were crushed within a few days.The general uprising and mass desertions never materialized; onthe contrary, the offensive tended to galvanize the SouthVietnamese. (74)

Even though he paid an exorbitant price, the enemy didachieve certain gains. If the Communists' goal was to createsensational headlines which would stun the American people- -theysucceeded. To the strategists in Hanoi, an important byproductof any military operation was the associated political ramificationsin the United States; namely, how much pressure would certainfactions put on their leaders to disengage from the struggle in


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South Vietnam. To the delight of the Communists, no doubt, theTET Offensive had a tremendous psychological impact in theU. S0 and, as usual, the response of the dissidents was vocifer-ous. Much of the reaction was completely out of proportion tothe actual military situation but it had a definite demoralizingeffect on the American public- -the long-range implications ofwhich are still undetermined.(75)

Another casualty of these nation-wide attacks was thepacification program in rural communities. When the Alliespulled back to clear the cities, they temporarily abandonedportions of the countryside to the enemy. Upon return, theyfound that progress in the so-called "battle for the hearts andminds of the people" had received a temporary set back. (76)

To achieve these ends, however, the enemy troops broughtsenseless destruction to Vietnamese cities and heaped moresuffering upon an already war-weary populace. Thousands of in-nocent civilians were killed and hundreds of thousands made home-less- -mostly in Saigon/Cholon and Hue. Four days after theinitial attacks, the central government formed the Central Re-covery Committee which, with U. S. assistance, launched ProjectRECOVERY to help alleviate the misery of the people. Had thisprogram not been implemented, the Communists might have comemuch closer to achieving their goal of overthrowing the govern-ment. In addition to the destruction in the cities, the enemyviolated a sacred religious holiday and, what's worse, actuallydesecrated a national shrine by turning the majestic Hue Citadelinto a bloody battlefield. For these acts, the Viet Cong andNorth Vietnamese earned the deep-seated hatred of many SouthVietnamese who in the past had been, at best, neutral.(77)

Whether or not Khe Sanh was, in fact, the ultimate enemyobjective or merely a diversion for the TET Offensive has notyet been established with certainty. The U. S. command inSaigon believed that the Communists' goal was to create a generaluprising, precipitate mass defections in the RVN armed forces,and then seize power. The concentration of NVA regular forcesin the northern two provinces was primarily to support thisoverall objective but it was also possible that the enemy hada secondary aspiration of shearing off and seizing the QuangTri-Thua Thien area should his primary effort fail. Thus KheSanh was envisioned as an intregal part of the master plan, oras General Westmoreland called it "an option play."

Subseq-uent events tended to vindicate that evaluation. Since


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the initial nation-wide attacks had been conducted primarily byViet Cong guerrillas and main force units, the NVA regularforces remained relatively unscathed and, with two of the fourNorth Vietnamese divisions known to be in I Corps poised aroundthe 26th Marines, there was little doubt as to where the nextblow wouldfall. FurthermOre, the enemy's extensive prepara-tions around the base reinforced the belief that this effort wasa major offensive and not just a feint. Before investing thegarrison, the North Vietnamese dug positions for their long-range artillery pieces. Later, they emplaced countless smallersupporting weapons, established numerous supply depots, and be-gan the ant-like construction Of their intricate siege-works.This intensive build-up continued long after most of the fight-ing associated with the TET Offensive was. over.(78)

The enemy had much to gain by taking Khe Sanh. If theycould seize any portion of Quang Tn Province, the Communistswould have a much stronger bargaining position at any futureconference table. In addition, the spectre of Dien Bien Phuwhich was constantly raised in the American press uidoubtedlyled the enemy to believe that the coming battle could not onlyprove successful but decisive. If.the garrison fell, the de-feat might well turn out to be the coip de &race to Americanparticipation in the war. At first, the Marines anticipated amajor pitched battle, similar to the one in 1967, but the enemycontinued to bide his time and the battle at Khe Sanh settledinto one of supporting arms.(79)

At Khe Sanh, the periodic showers of enemy artillery shellswere, quite naturally, a major source of concern to GeneralTompkins and Colonel Lownds and they placed a high priority onthe construction of stout fortifications. Understandably, notevery newcomer to Khe Sanh immediately moved into a thick bunkeror a six-foot trench with overhead cover. The colonel had spentmost of his tour with a one-battalion regiment and had preparedpositions for that battalion; then, almost overnight, his com-mand swelled to five battalions. The new units simply had tobuild their own bunkers as quickly as they could.. (80)

The regimental commander placed a minimum requirement onhis subordinates of providing overhead cover for the troops thatwould stop, at least, an 82mm mortar round. The FSCC determinedthat one strip of runway matting and two or three layers of sand-bags would fill the requirement. The average bunker usuallystarted as an 88 foot dugout with one 6x6 inch timber insertedin each corner and the center for support. The overhead con-sisted of planks, a strip of runway matting, sandbags, loose dirt,


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Marines at the combat base run for cover when warning ofenemy rocket or artillery attack is sounded. (USMCPhoto A190245)

Machine gunners lie on top of trench cover while theysearch for enemy movement. (USMC Photo A190929)


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and more sandbags. Some enterprising Marines piled on more loosedirt, then took discarded 105mm casings and drove them into thetop of the bunker like nails. These casings often caused pre-detonation of the heavier-caliber rounds. The combat engineersattached to the 26th Marines could build one of these bunkers inthree or four days; the average infantrymen took longer. Over-head cover for the trenchlines consisted of a strip of mattingplaced across the top of the trench at intervals and reinforcedwith sandbags. The defenders could stand up in the trench duringperiods of inactivity and duck under the matting when enemy roundsstarted to fall.(81)

Trie Marines were also faced with another question concerningtheir defenses: "How large an artillery round could you defend4ainst and still remain within the realm of practicality?"Since the 26th Marines was supplied solely by air, building ma-terial was a prime consideration. Matting and sandbags were easyenough to come by but lumber was at a premium. Fortificationswhich could withstand a hit from an 82mm mortar were a must be-cause the North Vietnamese had an ample supply of these weaponsbut the base was also being pounded, to a lesser degree, byheavier-caliber guns. With the material available to the 26thMarines, it was virtually impossible to construct a shelter thatwas thick enough or deep enough to stop the heavy stuff.(82)

This fact was borne out when Colonel Lownds decided to builda new regimental CP bunker. The engineers supplied the speci-fications for an overhead that would withstand a 122mm rocket;to be on the safe side, the colonel doubled the thickness of theroof. The day before the CP was to be occupied, a 152mm roundlanded squarely on top of the bunker and penetrated both layers.(83)

The massing of enemy artillery made the hill outposts thatmuch more important. Had they been able to knock the Marinesfrom those summits, the North Vietnamese would have been able tofire right down the throats of the base defenders and make theirposition untenable. As it was, the companies on Hills 881S, 861,86lA, and 553 not only denied the enemy an unobstructed firingplatform from which to pound the installation, they also servedas the eyes for the rest of the regiment in the valley which wasrelatively blind to enemy movement. For ob.servation purposes,Hill 881S was the most strategically located and a discussion ofthe enemy's heavy weaponry will point out why.

While the 60mm and 82mm mortars were scattered around inproximity of the combat base (roughly within a 2,000-3,000 meter


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radius), the NVA rocket sites and artillery pieces were locatedwell to the west, southwest, and northwest, outside of friendlycouriterbattery range. One particularly awesome and effectiveweapon was the Soviet-built 122mm rocket, the ballistic charac-teristi,cs of which had a lot to do with the way the North Viet-namese employed it. When fired, the projectile was fairlyaccurate in deflection hut, because it was powered by a propellent,the biggest margin of error was in range. Consequently, theNorth Vietnamese preferred to position their launching sites sothe gunners could track along the long axis of a given target;thus, longs and shorts would land "in the ballpark." The KSCBhugged the airstrip and was roughly in the shape of a rectanglewith the long axis running east and west. This made the optimumfiring positions for the 122mm rocket either to the east or westof the base on line with the runway. There was really only onelogical choice because the eastern site would have placed therockets within range of the Americans' 175s and extended theenemy's supply lines from Laos. To the west, Hills 881S or 861would have been ideal locations because in clear weather thosevantage points provided an excellent view of Khe Sanh and werealmost directly on line with the airstrip. Unfortunately forthe NVA, the Marines had squatters' rights on those pieces ofreal estate and were rather hostile to claim jurapers. As analternative, the North Vietnamese decided on B8lN but this choicehad one drawback since the line of sight between that northernpeak and the combat base was masked by the top of Hill 861.Nevertheless, the enemy emplaced hundreds of launching sitesalong its slopes and throughout the siege approximately 5,000122mm rockets rained on Khe Sanh from 881N.(84)

Because of their greater range, the enemy's 130mm and 152mmartillery batteries were located even further to the west. Theseguns were cleverly concealed in two main firing positions. Onewas on Co Roc Mountain which was southwest of where Route 9crossed the Laotian border; the other area was 305, so calledbecause it was on a bearing of 305 degrees (west-northwest) fromHill 881S at a range of about 10,000 meters. While the heavycaliber artillery rounds which periodically ripped into the basewere usually referred to as originating from Co Roc, 305 was thesource of about 60-70 percent of this fire, probably because itwas adjacent to a main supply artery. Both sites were vulnerableonly to air attack and were extremely difficult to pinpoint becauseof the enemy's masterful job of camouflage, his cautious employ-ment, and the extreme distance from friendly observation posts.The NVA gunners fired only a few rounds every hour so that con-tinuous muzzle flashes did not betray their positions and, aftereach round, quickly scurried out to cover the guns with protective


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nets and screens. Some pieces, mounted on tracks, were wheeledout of caves in Co Roe Mountain, fired, and returned immediately.Though never used in as great a quantity as the rockets andmortars, these shells wreaked havoc at Khe Sanh because there wasvery little that they could riot penetrate; even duds went aboutfour feet into the ground.(85)

The 3/26 elements on Hill 881S were a constant thorn in theenemy's side because the men on that most isolated of the Marineoutposts could observe all three of the main NVA firing positions--881N, 305, and Co Roe. When rockets lifted off of 881N or theguns at Co Roe lashed out, the men of Company I could see theflashes and provided advance warning to the base. Whenever possi-ble they directed retaliatory air strikes on the offenders.(*)Whenever the enemy artillery at 305 opened up, the muzzle flasheswere, hard to see because of the distance and the everpresentdust from air strikes, but the 'rounds made a loud rustling noiseas they arched directly over 881S on the way to Khe Sanh. Whenthe Marines heard the rounds streak overhead, they passed awarning to the base over the 3d Battalion tactical radio net,provided the net was not clogged with other traffic. The messagewas short and to the point: "Arty, Arty, Co Roe" or "Arty,Arty, 305."(86)

At the base the Marines had devised a crude but effectiveearly warning system for such attacks. Motor transport personnelhad mounted a horn from a two-and-a-half ton truck in the top ofa tree and the lead wires were attached to two beer can lids.When a message was received from 881S, a Marine, who monitoredthe radio, pressed the two lids together and the blaring horngave advanced warning of the incoming artillery rounds. Theradio operator relayed the message over the regimental net andthen dived into a hole. Men in the open usually had from fiveto eighteen seconds to find cover or just hit the deck before"all hell broke loose." When poor visibility obscured the view,between 881S and the base, the radio operator usually pickedhimself up, dusted off, and jokingly passed a three-word messageto Company I which indicated that the rounds had arrived onschedule--"Roger India.. .Splash."(87)

(*) One Marine, Corporal Robert J. Arrota, using a PRC-41 UHFradio which put him in direct contact with the attack pilots,personally controlled over 200 air strikes without the a,id of aTactical Air Controller (Airborne); his peers gave him the titleof "The Mightiest Corporal In The World."


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A Marine forward observer keeps a "Arty, Arty, Uo Roc" was trie titlewatchful eye on enemy trenches, of a popular folksong in 3/26.(USMC Photo A190933) (Photo courtesy David D. Duncan)



— -a—.

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Colors over Hill 881S. (Photo Water on Hill 881S was scarce andcourtesy Major William H. Dabney) beards flourished. 2dLt Richard

M. Foley, XO of India, 3/26. (Photocourtesy Major William H. Dabney)



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The fact that Company I on 881S was the fly in the enemy'sointment was no secret, especially to the enemy. As a result,North Vietnamese gunners made the Marines' existence there averitable nightmare. Although no official tally of incomingrounds was recorded, Captain Dabney's position took a much moresevere pounding than any of the other hill outposts. Volume,however, was only part of the story because the incoming wasalmost always the heavier stuff. The hill received little 60mmor 82mm mortar fire but a deluge of 120mm mortar and 100mmartillery rounds. There was also a smattering of 152mm shellsfrom Co Roc. The shelling was the hcaviest when helicoptersmade resupply runs.

The firing position which plagued the Marines the most .iaslocated to the southwest of the hill in a U-shaped draw knownas "the Horseshoe.'t There were at least two NVA 120mm mortarsin this area which, in spite of an avalanche of American bombsand artillery shells, were either never knocked out or were fre-quently replaced. These tubes were registered on the hill andharassed Company I constantly. Anyone caught above ground whenone of the 120s crashed into the perimeter was almost certainto become a casualty because the explosion produced an extremelylarge fragmentation pattern. Captain Dabney figured that ittook one layer of runway matting, eight of sandbags, and one ofeither rocks or 105mm casings to prevent penetration of a 120mmwith a quick fuze- -nothing the Marines had on 881S could stop around with a delayed fuze. Because of the shape of the hill,the summit was the only defendable terrain and thus provided theenemy with a compact target; this often resulted in multiplecasualties when the big rounds landed within the perimeter. Theonly thing that the Marines had going for them was that theycould frequently spot a tell-tale flash of an artillery piece orhear the "thunk" when a mortar round left the tube but the heavyshells took their toll. On Hill 881S alone, 40 Marines werekilled throughout the siege and over 150 were wounded at leastonce. (88)

Considering the sheer weight of the bombardment, enemyshells caused a relatively small number of fatalities at thebase, Besides the solid fortifications, there were two factorswhich kept casualties to a minimum. The first was the flakjacket--a specially designed nylon vest reinforced with over-lapping fiberglass plates. The jacket would not stop a high-velocity bullet but it did protect a man's torso and most vitalorgans against shell fragments. The bulky vest was not particu-larly popular in hot weather when the Marines were on patrol but


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in a static, defensive position the jacket was ideal. Thesecond factor was the high quality of leadership at platoonand company level. Junior officers and staff noncommissionedofficers (NCOs) constantly moved up and down the lines to super-vise the younger, inexperienced Marines, many of whom had onlyrecently arrived in Vietnam. The veteran staff NOs, long knownas the "backbone of the Corps," knew from experience that troopshad to be kept busy. A man who was left to ponder his problemsoften developed a fatalistic attitude that could increase hisreaction time and decrease his life time. The crusty NCOs didnot put much stock in the old cliche: "If a round has your nameon it, there's nothing you can do." Consequently, the Marinesworked; they dug trenches, filled sandbags, ran for cover, andreturned to fill more sandbags. Morale remained high andcasualties, under the circ*mstances, were surprisingly low.(89)

Although the NVA encircled the KSCB and applied constantpressure, the defenders were never restricted entirely to theconfines of the perimeter. The term "siege," in the strictestsense of the word, was somewhat of a misnomer because the Alliesconducted a nuraber of daily patrols, often as far as 500 metersfrom their own lines0(*)(90) These excursions were primarilyfor security and reconnaissance purposes since General Tompkinsdid not want his men engaged in a slugging match with the enemyoutside the defensive wire. If the North Vietnamese were en-countered, the Marines broke contact and withdrew, while sup-porting arms were employed.(91)

One vital area was the drop zone. When the weather turnedbad in February, the KSCB was supplied primarily by parachutedrops. Colonel Lownds set up his original zone inside theFOB-3 compound but later moved it several hundred meters westof Red Sector because he was afraid that the falling palletsmight injure someone. Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell's 1/9 wasgiven responsibility for security of the drop zone and his pa-trols conducted daily sweeps along the periphery of the droparea to flush out enemy troops who might try to disrupt the col-lection of supplies. In addition, combat engineers swept throughthe zone each morning and cleared out any mines the enemy setin during the night. Thus the defenders at Khe Sanh were never

(*) Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell, whose battalion held the rockquarry perimeter, later commented that his troops patrolled outto 1,200 meters. The units at the base never went that faruntil the siege was lifted.


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completely hemmed-in, but the regimental commander admittedthat any expedition beyond sight of the base was an invitationto trou1e.(92)

The Allies did more than prepare defenses and conduct pa-trols because the NVA launched three of its heaviest groundattacks during the first week in February. In the predawn hoursof 5 February, the North Vietnamese lashed out at the Marinebase and adjacent outposts with nearly 200 artillery rounds whilea battalion from the 325C NVA Division assaulted Hill 861A.Colonel Lownds immediately placed all units on Red Alert and,within minutes, 1/13 was returning fire in support of E/2/26.

The fight on Hill 86lA was extremely bitter0 At 0305 theNorth Vietnamese opened up on Captain Breeding's positions witha tremendous 82mm mortar barrage. This was followed by con-tinuous volleys of RPG rounds which knocked out several Marinecrew-served weapons and shielded the advance of the NVA sappersand assault troops.. The North Vietnamese blew lanes throughthe barbed wire along the northern perimeter and slammed intothe Company E Unes. Second Lieutenant Donald E. Shanley's 1stPlatoon bore the brunt of the attack and reeled back to supple-mentary positions. Quickly the word filtered back to the companyCP that the enemy was inside the wire and Captain Breeding orderedthat all units employ tear gas in defense but the North Vietnamesewere obviously "hopped up" on some type of narcotic and thesearing fumes had very little effect. Following the initialassault there was a brief lull in the fighting. The NVA soldiersapparently felt that, having secured the northernmost trenchline,they owned the entire objective and stopped to sift through theMarine positions for souvenirs. Magazines and paperbacks werethe most popular, Meanwhile, the temporary reversal only servedto enrage the Marines. Following a shower of grenades, LieutenantShanley and his men charged back into their original positionsand swarmed all over the surprised enemy troops.(93)

The counterattack quickly deteriorated into a melee that re-sembled a bloody, waterfront barroom brawl- -a style of fightingnot completely alien to most Marines0 Because the darkness andground fog drastically reduced visibility, hand-to-hand combatwas a necessity. Using their knives, bayonets, rifle butts, andfists, the men of the 1st Platoon ripped into the hapless NorthVietnamese with a vengeance. Captain Breeding, a veteran of theKorean conflict who had worked his way up through the ranks,admitted that, at first, he was concerned over how his younger,inexperienced Marines would react in their first fight. As it


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turned out, they were magnificent. The captain saw one of hismen come face to face with a North Vietnamese in the inky dark-ness; the young American all but decapitated his adversary witha crushing, round-house right to the face, then leaped on theflattened soldier and finished the job with a knife. Anotherman was jumped from behind by a North Vietnamese whq grabbedhim around the neck and was just about to slit his throat, whenone of the Marine's buddies jabbed the muzzle of his M-16 be-tween the two combatants. With his selector on full automatic,he fired off a full magazine; the burst tore hugh chunks fromthe back of the embattled Marine's flak jacket but it also cutthe North Vietnamese in half. Since the fighting was at suchclose quarters, both sides used hand grenades at extremely short-range. The Marines had the advantage because of their armoredvests and they would throw a grenade, then turn away from theblast, hunch up, and absorb the fragments in their flak jacketsand the backs of their legs. On several occasions, CaptainBreeding's men used this technique and "blew away" enemy soldiersat less than 10 meters.(94)

No one engaged in the donnybrook was exactly sure just howlong it lasted- -all were too busy fighting to check their watches.More than likely, the enemy was inside the wire less than a halfhour. During the fighting, Captain Breeding fed fire team-sizedelements from the 2d and 3d Platoons into the fray from bothflanks of the penetration. The newcomers appeared to be afraidthat they might miss all the action and tore into the enemy asif they were making up for lost time. Even though the E/2/26company commander was no newcomer to blood and gore, he was awed

by the ferocity of the attack. Captain Breeding later said:"It was like watching a World War II movie. Charlie didn't knowhow to cope with it...we walked all over them."(95) Those dazedNVA soldiers who survived the vicious onslaught retreated intoanother meatgrinder; as they ran from the hill, they were blastedby recoilless rifle fire from 2/26 which was located on Hill 558.

At approximately 0610, the North Vietnamese officers ralliedthe battered remnants and tried again, but the second effort wasalso stopped cold. By this time, Captain Breeding, who wasbusier than the proverbial one-armed paper hanger, was assistingin the coordination of fire support from five separate sources(i.e. Hills 861A, 88lS, 558, the KSCB, and the 175mm gun bases).The Marines of Captain Dabney's 1/3/26, located on Hill 881S pro-vided extremely effective and enthusiastic support throughoutthe attack. In three hours, Captain Dabney's men pumped outclose to 1,100 rounds from only three 81mm mortars, and the tubes


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became so hot that they actually glowed in the dark.(*) Again,

the bulk of the heavy artillery fire, along with radar control.ledbombing missions, was placed on the northern avenues leading tothe hill positions. The enemy units, held in reserve, were thusshredded by the bombardment as they moved up to continue theattack. (96)

After the second assault fizzled out, the North Vietnamesewithdrew, but enemy gunners shelled the base and outposts through-out the day. At 1430, replacements from 2/26 were helilifted toHill 86lA. Captain Breeding had lost seven men, most of whomwere killed in the opening barrage, and another 35 were medevacedso the new arrivals brought E12126 back up to normal strength.On the other hand, the NVA suffered 109 known dead; many stillremained in the 1st Platoon area where they had been shot, slashed,or bludgeoned to death. As near as Captain Breeding could tell,he did not lose a single man during the fierce hand-to-handstruggle; all American deaths were apparently the result of theenemy's mortar barrage and supporting fire. The Marines neverknew how many other members of the 325C NVA Division had fallenas a result of the heavy artillery and air strikes but the numberwas undoubtedly high. All in all, it had been a bad day forthe Communists, (97)

The North Vietnamese took their revenge in the early morninghours of 7 February; their victims were the defenders of theSpecial Forces camp at Lang Vei. At 0042, an American advisorreported that the installation was under heavy attack by enemytanks. This was the first time that the NVA had employed itsarmor in the south and, within 13 minutes, 9 PT-76 Soviet-builttanks churned through the defensive wire, rumbled over the anti-personnel minefields, and bulled their way into the heart of thecompound.(**)(98) A battalion from the 66th Regiment, 3Q4th IWADivision, equipped with satchel charges, tear gas, and f lame-throwers, followed with an aggressive infantry assault that wascoordinated with heavy attacks by fire on the 26th Marines.Colonel Lownds placed the base on Red Alert and the FSCC calledin immediate artillery and air in support of the beleaguered

(*) The men of 'Company I used the same methods to cool themortar tubes that they used during the attack against 861 on21 January.

(**) The defenders later reported knocking out at least one andprobably two tanks with rocket launchers.


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Lang Vei garrison. Although the Marines responded quickly, thedefensive fires had little effect because, by that time, theenemy had overrun the camp.(*)(99) The defenders who survivedbuttoned themselves up in bunkers and, at 0243, called forartillery fire to dust off their own positions.(lOO)

Lieutenant Colonel Hennelly's artillerymen responded withscores of deadly air bursts which peppered the target area withthousands of fragments. The 1/13 batteries fired over 300 roundsthat morning and the vast fire superiority was echoed in theradio transmission of one Lang Vei defender who said: "We don'tknow what you're using but for God's sake keep it up." That wasone of the last transmissions to Khe Sanh because, at 0310, theMarines lost communications with the camp.(lOl).

Part of Colonel Lownds' mission as coordinator of all friendlyforces in the Khe Sanh area was to provide artillery support forLang Vei and, if possible, to reinforce the camp in case of attack.Under the circ*mstances, a relief in strength was out of thequestion. In early January, when M/3/26 was in reserve, Lieu-tenant Colonel Alderman and Major Caulfield had conducted apersonal reconnaissance of Route 9 between the KSCB and Lang Veito determine the feasibility of moving a large unit overland.Their opinion was that any such attempt would be suicidal becausethe terrain bordering Route 9 was so well suited for an ambush*t was an "NVA dream." Any column moving down the road, especiallyat night, would undoubtedly have been ambushed.(**)(l02) If theMarines went directly over the mountains, they would have to hackthrough the dense growth and waste precious hours.(***)(103) A

(*) The 26th Marines FSCC had prepared extensive defensive fireplans for the Lang Vei Camp. In the early stages of the attack,the camp commander did not request artillery and later asked foronly a few concentrations. He never asked for the entire scheduleto be put into effect.

(**) Documents taken off a dead NVA officer later in the battleindicated that the enemy hoped that the attack on Lang Vei woulddraw the Marines out of Khe Sanh so he could destroy the reliefcolumn.

(***) In November 1967, Lieutenant Colonel Wilkinson, on directionof the regimental commander, had sent a rifle company to determinepossible direct routes through the jungle. The company commander,Captain John N. Raymond, reported that his unit, avoiding well-used trails to preclude ambush, had made the trip in about 19 hours.


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large-scale heliborne effort was ruled out because the NorthVietnamese apparently anticipated such a move and withdrew

their tanks to the only landing zones near the camp which were

suitable for such an operation. Even with tactical aircraftproviding suppressive fire, a helo assault into the teeth ofenemy armor was ill-advised. The most important factor, however,

was that NVA units in the area greatly outnumbered any force

Colonel Lownds could commit.(104)

Since a relief in force was undesirable, plans for a hitand run rescue attempt were quickly drawn up at General Cushman' sheadquarters0 Once General Westmoreland had given the green

light, Major General Norman J0 Anderson, commanding the 1stMAW and Cclonel Jonathan F0 Ladd of the U. S. Army Special Forces,worked out the details. Two major points agreed upon were thatthe helicopters employed in the operation would be those whichwere not essential to the 26th Marines at the moment and that

Marine fixed-wing support would be provided.(l05)

As soon as it was light, the survivors of the Lang Veigarrison managed to break out of their bunkers and work theirway to the site of an older camp some 400-500 meters to theeast. Later that same day, a raiding party composed of 40 CIDGpersonnel and 10 U. S. Army Special Forces advisors from FOB-3boarded Quang Tn-based MAG-36 helicopters and took off forLang Vei. A flight of Huey gunships, led by Lieutenant ColonelWilliam J0 White, Commanding Officer of Marine ObservationSquadron 6, as well as jet aircraft escorted the transportchoppers. While the jets and Hueys covered their approach,the helicopters swooped into a small strip at the old camp andtook on survivors, including 15 Americans. In spite of the heavysuppressive fire provided by the escorts, three transport helossuffered battle damage during the evacuation. One overloadedchopper, flown by Captain Robert J. Richards of Marine MediumHelicopter Squadron 262, had to make the return trip to KheSanh at treetop level because the excess weight prevented thepilot from gaining altitude.(l06)

(*) On the return trip to the KSCB, Captain Richards flewover the outskirts of Khe Sanh Village. A NVA soldier suddenlystepped out of one hut and sprayed the low-flying chopper witha burst from his AK-47 assault rifle. The rounds ripped outpart of Richards' instrument panel and one bullet zinged abouttwo inches in front of his nose before passing through the topof the co*ckpit. A Marine gunner on the CH-46 quickly cut down


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There was a large number of indigenous personnel- -bothmilitary and civilian- -who could not get out on the helicoptersand had to move overland to Khe San1. A portion of these weremembers of the Laotian Volunteer Battalion 33 which on 23 Janu-ary had been overrun at Ban Houei San, Laos (near the Laotian!South Vietnam border) by three NVA battalions. The remnantsfled across the border and took refuge at Lang Vei and when theSpecial Forces camp fell, the Laotians continued their trek tothe east with a host of other refugees. At 0800 on the 8th,about 3,000 approached the southern perimeter at Khe Sanh andrequested admittance. Colonel Lownds, fearing that NVA infil-trators were in their midst, denied them entrance until eachwas searched and processed. This took place near the FOB-3compound after which some of the refugees were evacuated. The

Laotians were eventually returned to their own country.(l07)

Also on the morning of 8 February, elements of the 1O1Dirnent, 325C Division launched the first daylight attackagainst the 26th Marines. At 0420, a reinforced battalion hit

the 1st Platoon, P11/9, which occupied Hill 64 some 500 meters

west of the 1/9 perimeter. Following their usual pattern, theNorth Vietnamese tried to disrupt the Marines' artillery supportwith simultaneous bombardment of the base. To prevent friendlyreinforcements from reaching the small hill the enemy alsoshelled the platoon's parent unit and, during the fight, some350 mortar and artillery rounds fell on the 1/9 positions. The

NVA assault troops launched a two-pronged attack against the

northwestern and southwestern corners of the A/1/9 outpost and

either blew the barbed wire with bangalore torpedoes or threw

canvas on top of the obstacles and rolled over them. The enemy

soldiers poured into the trenchline and attacked the bunkers

with RPGs and satchel charges. They also emplaced machine gunsat the edge of the penetrations and pinned down those Marines

in the eastern half of the perimeter who were trying to crossover the hill and reinforce their comrades.(l08)

The men in the northeastern sector, led by the platoon com-mander, Second Lieutenant Terence R. Roach, Jr., counterattacked

the North Vietnamese but the damage had already been done. Even

though he was shaken by the experience, the pilot nursed his

crippled bird back to the base and landed safely. Once on the

ground, he quickly switched helicopters and returned to Lang Vei

for another evacuation mission. For his actions during the day,

Captain Richards was later awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.


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down the trenchline and became engaged in savage hand-to-handfighting. While rallying his troops and directing fire fromatop an exposed bunker, Lieutenant Roach was mortally wounded.From sheer weight of numbers, the North Vietnamese graduallypushed the Marines back until the enemy owned the western halfof the outpost. At that point, neither side was able to pressthe advantage. Pre-registered mortar barrages from 1/9 andartillery fire from the KSCB had isolated the NVA assault unitsfrom any reinforcements but at the same time the depleted 1stPlatoon was not strong enough to dislodge the enemy.(l09)

One Marine had an extremely close call during the fightbut lived to tell about it. On the northern side of the per-imeter, Private First Class Michael A. Barry of the 1st Squadwas engaged in a furious hand grenade duel with the NVA soldierswhen a ChiCom grenade hit him on top of the helmet and landedat the young Marine's feet. PFC Barry quickly picked it up anddrew back to throw but the grenade went off in his hand. Hadit been an American M-26 grenade, the private would undoubtedlyhave been blown to bits but ChiCom grenades frequently pro-duced an uneven frag pattern. In this case, the bulk ot theblast went down and away from the Marine's body; Barry had theback of his right arm, his back, and his right leg pepperedwith metal fragments but he did not lose any fingers and con-tinued to function for the rest of the battle.(llO)

In another section of the trenchline, Lance Corporal RobertL. Wiley had an equally hair-raising experience. Wiley, a shell-shock victim, lay flat on his back in one of the bunkers whichhad been overrun by the enemy. His eardrums had burst, he wastemporarily paralyzed and his glazed eyes were fixed in a corpse-like stare but the Marine was alive and fully aware of what wasgoing on around him. Thinking that Wiley was dead, the NorthVietnamese were only interested in rummaging through his personaleffects for souvenirs. One NVA soldier found the Marine'swallet and took out several pictures including a snapshot ofhis family gathered around a Christmas tree. After pocketingtheir booty, the North Vietnamese moved on; Lance Corporal Wileywas later rescued by the relief column.(lll)

At 0730, Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell committed a secondplatoon, headed by the Company A commander, Captain Henry J. M.Radcliffe, to the action. By 0900, the relief force had madeits way to the eastern sldpe of the small hill and establishedcontact with the trapped platoon. During the advance, CompaniesB and D, along with one section of tanks, delivered murderous


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direct fire to the flanks and front of Captain Radcliffe'scolumn, breaking up any attempt by the enemy to interdict thelinkup. After several flights of strike aircraft had pastedthe reverse slope of the hill, the company commander led hiscombined forces in a frontal assault over the crest and, with-in 15 minutes, drove the North Vietnamese from the outpost.Automatic weapons chopped down many North Vietnamese as theyfled from the hill. The battered remnants of the enemy forceretreated to the west and, once in the open, were also takenunder fire by the rest of the Marine battalion. In addition,the artillery batteries at KSCB contributed to the slaughterand, when the smoke cleared, 150 North Vietnamese were dead.Although the platoon lines were restored, Colonel Lownds de-cided to abandon the position and, at 1200, the two units with-drew with their casualties. Marine losses that morning on theoutpost were 21 killed and 26 wounded; at the base, 5 werekilled and 6 wounded.(ll2)

During the next two weeks, the NVA mounted no major groundattack but continued to apply pressure on the KSCB. There weredaily clashes along the Marine lines but these were limited tosmall fire fights, sniping incidents, and probes against thewire. A decrease in activity along the various infiltrationroutes indicated that the enemy had completed his initial build-up and was busily consolidating positions from which to launchan all-out effort. The Allies continued to improve their de-fenses and by mid-February most units occupied positions withthree or four layers of barbed wire, dense minefields, specialdetection devices, deep trenches, and mortar-proof bunkers.The battle reverted to a contest of supporting arms and theNorth Vietnamese stepped up their shelling of the base, especiallywith direct fire weapons. Attempts to silence the enemy gunswere often frustrated because the Marines were fighting twobattles during February- -one with the NVA, the other with theweather..( 113)


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The weather at Khe Sanh throughout February could becharacterized in one word--miserable. General Tompkins remarkedthat, for combat purposes, the weather was the worst that he'dever seen. The northeast monsoons had long since spilled overinto the Khe Sanh Valley and every morning the base was shroudedwith ground fog and low scud layers which dissipated around1000 or 1100. When the sun finally managed to burn through,the cloud ceiling retreated slightly but still hovered lowenough to prevent the unrestricted use of airborne artilleryspotters arid strike aircraft. It was during these periods, whenthe overcast was between 100 and 500 feet, that enemy artillery,rocket, and mortar fire was the heaviest. The NVA forward ob-servers, perched along the lower slopes of the surroundinghills, called in and adjusted barrages with little fear of re-taliation against their On gun positions. Later in the after-noon, when the fog rolled in again and obscured the enemy'sview, the incoming tapered off.(*)(114)

The Marines adjusted their schedule accordingly. Theyusually worked under the cover of the haze in the morning, wentunderground during the midday shelling, and returned to theirduties later in the afternoon. While the extremely low cloudcover occasionally befriended the men at the base, it constantlyplagued the pilots whose mission was to resupply the 26th Marines,

The job of transporting enough "bullets, beans, and bandages"to sustain the 6,680 Khe Sanh defenders fell to the C-130s ofMarine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 152 and the U. S. AirForce 834th Air Division; the C-l23s of the 315th Air CommandoWing; the UH-3.4, Ch-•46, and tJH-1E helicopters of Marine AircraftGroup 36 (MA'-36); and the CH-53 choppers of MAG-l6.(**)(115)

(*) The weather during February was bad for operations but notparticularly uncomfortable. The mean temperature was 71 degrees,the average humidity was 92 percent, and an average weekly rain-fall was .04 inches. The wind was out of the east with anaverage velocity of 6 miles per hour.

(**) Organizationally, the USAF C-l3Os belonged to the 315th


The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (87)


Ground fog in the morning and late afternoon shrouded thebase obscuring the view of both the enemy and the Marines.(Photo courtesy David D. Duncan)

The reduced visibility from fog and haze hampered airoperations. Crews of Marine iJ}I-1E gunships wait forceiling to lift. (Photo courtesy David D. Duncan)


The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (88)

Even under ideal circ*mstances, the airlift would have been a

massive undertaking. The difficulties, however, were compoundedby the poor visibility which was below minimum for airfield

operations 40 percent of the time and the heavy volume of anti-aircraft and artillery fire directed at the incoming transports.The NVA had moved several antiaircraft units into the hillseast of the airstrip forcing the C-130 Hercules, the C-123 Pro-

viders, and the helicopters to run the gauntlet during theirfinal approach. Under cover of the heavy fog, some audaciousNVA gun crews positioned their antiaircraft weapons ju.3t off

the eastern threshold of the runway and fired in the blind when-ever they heard the drone of incoming planes. Several aircraftwere hit while on GCA final and completely in the soup.(*)(116)

Immediately after touchdown, the aircraft were subjected to in-tense mortar and rocket fire; in fact, the incoming was soclosely synchronized with their arrival, the fixed-wing trans-ports were nicknamed "mortar magnets" by the Marines.(117)

The key to survival for the pilots was a steep approachthrough the eastern corridor, a short roll-out,and a speedyturnaround after landing. A small ramp paralleled the westernend of the strip which the transport crews used as an unloadingpoint. After roll-out, the pilot turned off the runway ontothe easternrnost taxiway, then wheeled onto the ramp while theloadmasters shoved the pallets of supplies out the back.(**)All outgoing passengers were loaded on the double because the

Air Division but that unit did not operate in Vietnam. Fiveto seven aircraft from each of the 3l5th's squadrons were ontemporary duty in Vietnam and were under the operational controlof the 834th Air Division. The 315th Atr Commando Wing and itsC-123s were organizationally part of the 834th.

(*) One NVA gun crew came in too close for its own good. The1/26 commander, Lieutenant Colonel Wilkinson, dispatched a pla-toon from Company D to attack this position which was off thenortheastern end of the airstrip. While the 81mm mortars of1/26 provided support, the platoon commander, Second LieutenantDaniel L. McGravey, and his men aggressively assaulted the po-sition. During a brisk fire fight, they killed several NorthVietnamese, captured the antiaircraft weapon, and took the gunnerprisoner.

(**) If a pilot made his approach from the west, which was notoften the case, he had to taxi all the way back down the runwayto the loading ramp.


The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (89)

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View of airstrip at Khe Sanh facing east.(Photo courtesy David D. Duncan)

U. S. Air Force C-130 about to touch down after approach-ing from the east. (Photo courtesy David D. Duncan)


The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (90)

planes rarely stopped rolling0 Tn pilot completed the loopby turning back onto the runway via the western taxiway antitook off in the opposite direction from which he landed. It

was not uncommon for the entire circuit to be completed withinthree minutes; even then, the planes were tracked by explodingmortar rounds. (118)

On 10 February, a tragedy occurred which resulted in adrastic alteration of the unloading process. A Marine C-130,heavily laden with bladders of fuel for the 26th Marines, wasmaking its approach to the field under intense fire.. Just be-fore the giant bird touched down, the co*ckpit and fuel bagswere riddled by enemy bullets. With flames licking at one side,the stricken craft careened off the runway 3,100 feet from theapproach end, spun around, and was rocked by several muffledexplosions. The C-130 then began to burn furiously. Crashcrews rushed to the plane and started spraying it with foam.The pilot, Chief Warrant Officer Henry Wildfang, and his copilotsuffered minor burns as they scrambled out the overhead hatchin the co*ckpit. Fire fighters in specially designed heat suitsdashed into the flaming debris and pulled several injured crew-men and passengers to safety- -rescue attempts came too late forsix others0 One of those killed in the crash, Lieutenant ColonelCarl E0 Peterson, the 1st MAW Engineer Officer, was a reserve of-ficer who only a few months before had volunteered for activeduty0 As a result of this accident and damage sustained byother transports while on the ground, C-130 landings at Khe Sanhwere suspended. (119)

With the field closed to C-130s, a U. S. Air Force innova-tion- - the Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System or LAPES- -wasput into effect. This self-contained system, which had beenused extensively during the renovation of the airstrip in thefall of 1967, enabled the aircraft to unload their cargo withoutlanding. When sinking a LAPES run, the Hercules pilot made hisapproach from the east during which he opened the tail ramp anddeployed a reefed cargo parachute. Prior to touchdown, he addedjust enough power to hold the aircraft about five feet above theground. As the plane skimmed over the runway and approached theintended extraction point, the pilot electrically opened thestreaming chute which was attached to the roller-mounted cargopallets. The sudden jolt of the blossoming chute snatched thecargo from the rear hatch and the pallets came to a skiddinghalt on the runway. The pilot then jammed the throttles to thefirewall, eased back on the yoke, and executed a high-angle,westerly pull-out to avoid ground fire while the Marines moved


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Death of a Hercules. A C-130 of Marine Aerial RefuelerTransport Squadron 152 burns after crashing at the base.(Photo courtesy David D. Duncan)

Crash crew at Khe Sanh pours foam on a burning CI-I-46 heli-copter following an enemy artillery attack. (USMC PhotoA190 350)



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onto the runway with forklifts and quickly gathered in the

supplies. me system was q-uite ingeniou3 and allowed the air-craft to pass through the V-ring in a matter of seconds.(*)

Even though the airmen could not control the skidding palletsafter release, some pilots perfected their individual techniqueand were able to place the cargo on a 25-meter square with con-sistency. On one occasion, however, an extraction ch'ite mal-functioned and the cargo rocketed off the western end of therunway; the eight-ton pallet of lumber smashed into a messhalllocated near the end of the strip and crushed three Marinesto death.(l20)

Another technique- -the Ground Proximity Extraction Systemor GPES- -was also used but to a lesser degree than the LAPES.(15 GPES deliveries during the siege as compared to 52 LAPES.)Both utilized the low approach but with GPES the cargo was ex-tracted by a hook extended from a boom at the rear of the air-craft. As the C-l30 swooped low over the runway, the pilot triedto snag an arresting cable similar to the one used on aircraftcarriers; only his hook was attached to the cargo bundles andnot the plane. Upon engagement, the pallets were jerked fromthe rear hatch and came to a dead stop on the runway. With theGPES, the chance of a pallet skidding out of control or over-turning was greatly reduce& The only problem that occurred wasnot with the system itself but with faulty installation. TheMarines who initially emplaced the GPES were frequently chasedaway from their work by incoming mortar rounds and, as a resultof the periodic interruptions, the cable was not anchored properly.The first C-130 that snagged the wire ripped the arresting gearout by the roots. After the initial bugs were remedied, thesystem worked so successfully that, on one pass, a load con-taining 30 dozen eggs was extracted without a single eggshellbeing cracked.(l21)

Most of the time, however, the low overcast precluded theuse of either extraction system and the preponderance of supplieswas delivered by paradrops, This technique called for closeair/ground coordination and the C-130 pilots relied on the MarineAir Traffic Control.. Unit (MATCU) at Khe Sanh to guide them into the drop zones. The Marine ground controller lined the air-craft up on the long axis of the runway for a normal instrumentapproach and when the Hercules passed a certain point over the

(*) V-ring is a term used on the rifle range to describe thebull's-eye of a target®


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eastern threshold of the field, the controller called "Ready,Ready, Mark." At "Mark," the pilot pushed a stop watch, acti-vated his Doppler navigational system, turned to a predeterminedheading and maintained an altitude of between 500 and 600 feet.The Doppler device indicated any deviation from the desiredtrack to the drop zone, which was west of Red Sector, and therelease point was calculated by using the stop watch- -20 to 26seconds from "Mark," depending on the winds. At the computedrelease point, the pilot pulled the C-130 into an 8-degree nose-up attitude and 16 parachute bundles, containing 15 tons ofsupplies, slid from the rear of the aircraft and floated throughthe overcast into the 300-meter-square drop zone. Under VisualFlight Rules (VFR), the average computed error for the dropswas only 95 meters. Even when these missions were executed com-pletely under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), the average distancethat the bundles landed from the intended impact point was 133meters- -well inside the drop zone. On a few occasions, however,the parachute bundles missed the zone and drifted far enoughaway from the base to preclude a safe recovery. In these rareinstances, friendly artillery and air strikes were brought tobear on the wayward containers to keep them from falling intothe hands of the enemy. During the siege, Air Force C-l30 crewsconducted a total of 496 paradrops at Khe Sanh.(*)(122)

Although the paradrops were sufficient for bulk commoditiessuch as rations and ammunition, there were certain items whichhad to be delivered or picked up personally. Medical supplies,special ammunition, and other delicate cargo would not withstandthe jolt of a parachute landing. In addition, there were

(*) Disparities in official records make it difficult to de-termine the exact tonnage delivered to Khe Sanh by air. TheUSAF Historical Division Liaison Office states that, of the14,356 tons delivered during the siege, Air Force planes wereresponsible for 12,430 tons (8,120 tons by paradrop, LAPES andGPES; 4,310 by aircraft landing at the field). On the otherhand, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing records show that Marine heli-copters alone carried 4,661 tons of cargo. About three-fourthsof the helicopter tonnage, however, was lifted directly fromDong Ha to the hill outposts and thus did not pass through themain base at Khe Sanh, Neither total includes the contributionsmade by Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 152; therecords of that unit only indicate the tonnage transportedthroughout the whole of I Corps and do not break it down to theamount delivered to individual bases such as Khe Sanh.


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replacements to be shuttled into the base and casualties to beevacuated. With the cancellation of all C-130 landings, thisjob was left up to the sturdy C-123 Providers of the 315th AirCommando Wing as well as MAG-36 and MAG-16 helicopters. The

choppers could maneuver around areas of heavy ground fire, land,unload, take on medevacs, and depart very quickly but their pay-loads were limited. On the other hand, the C-123s had a largercargo capacity but were restricted to a more rigid approach and

provided better targets both in the pattern and on the ground.(*)(l23) The Providers, however, required much less runway fromwhich to operate than the C-l3Os and could land and take offusing only 1,400 of the 3,900 foot strip. This saving featureenabled the pilots to make a steep approach, short roll-out,and rapid turnaround. The crews still had to undergo thosefrantic moments on the ground when the geysers of dirty-blacksmoke bracketed their aircraft. Nevertheless, the dauntlessC-l23 crews continued their perilous missions throughout thesiege with great success.(l24)

No discussion of the airlift would be complete withoutmention of the MAG-36 and MAG-l6 helicopter pilots who flew inand out of Khe Sanh daily delivering supplies, delicate cargo,reinforcements, and evacuating casualties. The chopper crewswere faced with the same problems that plagued the fixed-wingtransports- -low ceilings and enemy ground fire- -but to a greaterdegree because of their slow speed and vulnerability. MAG-36operated primarily from Quang Tn and Dong Ha, and was reinforcedfrom the group's main base at Phu Bai. These valiant pilotsand crewmen in their Huey gunships, CH-46 transports, andUH-34s flew long hours, day and night, in all kinds of weatherto sustain the Marines in and around Khe Sanh. The CH-53s ofDa Nang-based MAG-l6, with their heavier payload, also made asizeable contribution to this effort.(l25)

The resupply of the hill outposts was a particularlyhazardous aspect of the overall mission. Approximately 20 per-cent of Colonel Lownds' personnel occupied these redoubts and,for all practical purposes, were cut off from the rest of thegarrison. The road north of the base was not secure and theperimeters atop the hills were too small and irregular for para-chute drops; the only way that the isolated posts could be

(*) This resulted in another fiery crash on 6 March when aC-l23 was shot down while on approach to the field and allaboard (43 USMC, 1 USN, and 4 USAF) were killed.


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C-130 1-lercules conducts paradrops 'A UH-34 of MAG-36 departs Rhe Sanh

west of Red Sector. (USMC Photo on its way to the hill outposts.A190803) (Photo courtsey David D. Duncan)



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sustained was by helicopter. When the dense monsoon cloudsrolled into the valley, the mou.itain tops were the first to be-come submerged and, as the overcast lifted, the last to re-appear. During February, several of the outposts were completelyobscured for more than a week and resupply was impossible. Duringthese periods, the North Vietnamese took advantage of the re-duced visibility and emplaced heavy automatic weapons along theneighboring peaks and waited for the ceiling to lift which in-variably heralded the arrival of helicopters. As a result,the UH-lEs, UH-34s, and CH-46s were subjected to a hail of enemybullets during each mission.(l26)

When the helicopters proceeded to the hills singly or insmall groups, each mission was a hair-raising experience forboth the chopper crews and the men on the A good exampleof what often transpired during those frantic moments occurredearly in the siege on Hill 831S when Captain Dabney called fora chopper to evacuate a badly wounded Marine. One corporal wasassigned as a stretcher bearer because he had a badly impactedwisdom tooth and, once aboard, he could ride out on the heli-copter and have the tooth extracted at the main base.(*) Be-

cause of the 120mm mortars located in the Horseshoe and theantiaircraft guns which ringed the hill, the men on 881S had toemploy a variety of diversions to keep the enemy gunners fromgetting the range of the incoming choppers. In this instance,they threw a smoke grenade a good distance away from the actuallanding zone in hopes that the gunners would register on thesmoke and the helicopter would be in and out before the NorthVietnamese could readjust. This meant that the helo had about19 seconds to get off the ground.(127)

The ruse did not come off as planned. The stretcher bearershad barely loaded the wounded man aboard the helicopter, a CH-46, when 120mm mortar rounds bracketed the aircraft and spurredthe pilot to action. The helo lurched into the air and thesudden jolt rolled the corporal with the bad tooth over the

(*) Having the ambulatory cases serve as stretcher bearerswas standard operating procedure on 88lS. These men stayed onthe chopper and did not have to make the return trip to theirtrenches under fire. When 'uninjured Marines served in thiscapacity there was the added danger that the helicopter wouldtake off before they could debark and they would end up at KheSanh. In one instance after the siege was lifted, CaptainDabney spent a day at the combat base because he did not getoff a medevac chopper fast enough.


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edge of the tail ramp; he held on desperately for a few secondsbut finally let go and fell about 20 feet to the ground. cursingto himself, the young man limped back to his trench and waitedfor another chance.

Later that day, a UH-34 swooped in to pick up anothercasualty and the prospective dental patient quickly scrambledaboard. This trip also covered about 20 feet- -10 feet up and10 feet down- -because the tail rotor of the UH-34 was literallysawed off by a burst from an enemy machine gun just after thebird became airborne. After the swirling craft came to rest,the passengers and the three-man crew quickly clamored out thehatch and dived into a nearby trench. A heavy mortar barrageensued during which several more men were hit.

By the time another CH-46 arrived on the scene, the passen-ger list had grown to 14, including 10 casualties, the crew ofthe downed helo, and the original dental case. Because of theheavy concentration of enemy fire in the original zone, theMarines had blasted out another landing site on the oppositeside of the hill. The chopper touched down and 13 of the 14Marines boarded before the crew chief stated emphatically thatthe aircraft was full. As luck would have it, the young Marinewith the swollen jaw was the 14th man. Thoroughly indignant,the three-time loser returned to his position and mumbled thathe would rather suffer from a toothache than try and get offthe hill by helicopter.(*)(128)

It was the consensus of both the ground commanders andpilots alike that the problem of getting helicopters to andfrom the hills was becoming critical. The technique thenemployed was resulting in casualties among both the air crews

(*) During the course of the battle, 881S became a small grave-yard for helicopters; at least five were downed on or aroundthe hill. Consequently, Company I gained a reputation amongchopper crews which lasted long after the siege was over. Whenthe 3d Battalion later departed Khe Sanh, Company I eventuallymoved to Hill 55 near Da Nang. One afternoon, while evacuatinga wounded Marine, a CH-46 developed engine trouble and the pilotdecided to shut down for repairs. Another flight was sent topick up the wounded man and as the lead pilot approached hecame up over the radio and asked his wingman where the landingzone was. The wingman relied: "Just look for the downedchopper, India /Company I! always marks their zones that way."


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and the infantry units, as well as a rapid rise in the attri-tion of MAG-36 helicopters. The Huey gunships, though puttingforth a valiant effort, did not possess the heavy volume offire required to keep the approach lanes open. As a result,the 1st MAW adopted another system which provided more muscle.(l29)

The solution was basically a page out of the Fleet MarineForce Manual for Helicopter Support Operations. All helicopterflights to the hill outposts were to be escorted by strike air-craft which would provide suppressive fire. The A-4 Skyhawksof Chu Lai-based MAG-12 were selected as the fixed-wing escortsand the little jet was perfect for the job. Affectionatelyreferred to as "Scooters" by their pilots, the A-4 was a highlymaneuverable attack aircraft; its accuracy, dependability, andvaried ordnance load had made it the workhorse of Marine closeair support for many years.

Generals Cushman and Anderson conceived the idea and thedetails were worked out by Colonel Joel B. Bonner, LieutenantColonel William J. White, and Lieutenant Colonel Richard E.Carey at 1st MAW Headquarters. The operation went into effecton 24 February. Because of the large number of aircraftutilized in each mission--12 A-4s, 1 TA-4, 12 CH-46s, and 4 UH-1Egunships- -the overall effort was nicknamed the Super Gaggle byits planners. The difficulty in execution was primarily one ofcoordination and control because of the various agencies (i.e.MAG-36, MAG-12, 3d MarDiv G-4, Dong Ha Logistics Support Area,and the units on the hill outposts) which were involved. Ad-ditional factors that had to be considered were departureweather, destination weather, and coordination of friendlyartillery and air strikes around Khe Sanh. Lieutenant ColonelCarey, the 1st MAW 'Operations Officer and one of the planners,later described the mechanics of the Super Gaggle:

Success of the effort was predicated On timing, co-ordination, and often times luck. Luck, as used, refersto the ability to guess whether the weather would holdlong enough to complete an effort once it got underway.The effort began with the TA-4 on station determining ifsufficient ceiling existed for the "Scooters" of MAG-12 toprovide sufficient suppressive fires to assure success...Once the TA-4 called all conditions go, an ttW hour wasset and the Super Gaggle began. Twelve A-4s would launchfrom Chu Lai while simultaneously 100 miles to the north12-16 helos would launch from the Quang Tn helo base andproceed to the Dong Ha LSA (Logistics Support Area) forsupply pickup. The object was for all aircraft to arrive


The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE...· the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (99)



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After introduction of the Super Gaggle, CH-46 helicopterswith their 4,000-pound external loads proceeded to the

hill outposts in convoy. (USMC Photo A422061)

A-4 Skyhawks of Marine Aircraft Group-12 provided sup-

pressive fire during resupply missions. (USNC Photo





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in the objective area on a precise schedule. So the oper-

ation generally consisted as follows: (1) Softening upknown enemy positions by four A-4s, generally armed withnapalm and bombs; (2) Two A-4s armed with CS (tear gas)tanks saturate enemy antiaircraft and automatic weaponspositions; (3) 30-40 seconds prior to final run in by thehelos two A-4s lay a smoke screen along selected avenuesof approach....(4) While helos make final run into thetarget, four A-4s with bombs,rockets, and 20mm guns pro-vide close-in fire suppression.... Once the helos commencedtheir descent the factors of weather, their 4,000-poundexternally carried load, and the terrain would not permita second chance. If an en2my gun was not suppressed therewas no alternative for the helos but to continue. They(the transport pilots) were strengthened with the knowledgethat following close on their heels were their gunshipsready to pick them up if they survived being shot down.Fortunately, these tactics were so successful that duringthe entire period of the Super Gaggle only two CH-46s weredowned enroute to the hill positions. The crews were res-cued immediately by escorting Huey gunships.(*)(130)

These missions, however, looked much more orderly on paperthan they did in the air and the operation lived up to its name.Only those who have experienced the hazards of monsoon flyingcan fully appreciate the veritable madhouse that often existswhen large numbers of aircraft are confined to the restrictedspace beneath a low-hanging overcast. Coupled with this was thefact that the fluffy looking clouds around Khe Sanh housedmountains which ran up to 3,000 feet. No doubt, the aircrewsinvolved in the Gaggle were mindful of the standard warningissued to fledgling aviators: "Keep your eyes out of theco*ckpit; a mid-air collision could ruin your whole day." Eventhough the missions were well-coordinated and executed with ahigh degree of professionalism, it often appeared that confusionreigned because planes were everywhere. A-4s bore in on theflanks of the approach lanes blasting enemy.gun positions andspewing protective smoke; CH-46s groped through the haze tryingto find the landing zones; the hornet-like UR-1E gunships dartedin from the rear in case someone was shot down; and the lone

(*) For comparison, as many as 16 helicopters were utilizedup to four times in one day during the Super Gaggle without aloss. Prior to the conception of this technique, as many asthree choppers were shot down in one day around Khe Sanh.


The Battle for KHE SANH PCN 19000411000 1 - Battle for KHE... · the battle for khe sanh by captain moyers s. shore ii, usmc pcn 19000411000 history and museums division - [PDF Document] (2024)


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