15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (2024)

Instead of always opting for frying your food in oil, perhaps it’s time to try some healthier alternatives. Like these yummy but healthy air fryer recipes.

15 Tasty Air Fryer Recipes

Using an air fryer can be healthier than frying your food in oil. Yes you can still use oil in an air fryer, but you often don’t have to, and if you do, it’ll be less than you normally use.

Below I’ve rounded up some of the best healthy air fryer recipes that you and your family can enjoy.

Follow the link below each picture for the full recipes and instructions.

1.Portobello Mushroom Pizzas with Hummus

These personal “pizzas” make a great appetizer or snack. Be sure to serve them with plenty of napkins because they can get messy!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (1)Found fromblog.fatfreevegan.com

2.Pickle-Brined Fried Chicken

This is a delicious fried chicken recipe that uses up the brine left in the pickle jar when you’ve finished all the pickles.

This recipe calls for legs, but if you prefer white meat, feel free to substitute bone-in chicken breasts instead.

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (2)Found frommeredithlaurence.com

3.Air Fryer Tofu Scramble

We eat a tofu and potato scramble almost every weekend, and I’ve finally worked out how to make it happen in the air fryer!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (3)Found fromglueandglitter.com

4.Copycat Taco Bell Air Fryer Crunch Wraps Recipe

The air fryer gave the outer shell that perfect crunch just like you get when you order one at Taco Bell.

This copycat recipe was an absolute home run, and an all-time favorite recipe for our family.

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (4)Found fromby-pink.com

5.Air Fryer Chicken Fried Rice Recipe

This Air Fryer Chicken Fried Rice recipe is easy to make and gluten-free. It tastes as good as take-out and is more economical.

I loved how little work was involved – no need for constant stirring, no splattering – and all with almost no oil!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (5)Found fromfromvalskitchen.com

6.Air Fried Buffalo Cauliflower

I am a huge fan of my air fryer. With an air fryer, your food comes out nice and crispy while still being tender on the inside using little to no oil.

And this recipe does not disappoint!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (6)Found frombeautyandthebenchpress.com

7.Air Fryer Roast Chicken

Deliciously moist chicken that’s flavorful and crispy on the outside! So easy to make in your air fryer in no time at all!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (7)Found frombitzngiggles.com

8.Air Fryer Beef Empanadas

These easy beef empanadas made with my homemade beef picadillo filling and store bought empanada dough are “fried” in the air fryer for empanadas that are ready in minutes (only takes 8 minutes to cook)!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (8)Found fromskinnytaste.com

9.Easy Air Fryer Bacon And Cream Cheese Stuffed Jalapeno Poppers

Easy Fifteen-Minute Air Fryer Bacon and Cream Cheese Stuffed Jalapeno Poppers is a quick and spicy recipe.

These poppers are low-carb and keto diet friendly. This dish has savory and creamy melted cheddar cheese and is also crunchy.

Makes the perfect appetizer or snack for parties, gatherings, or events.

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (9)Found fromstaysnatched.com

10.Crunchy Air Fryer Sushi Roll

Guys, I am crazy for these delicious Air Fryer Sushi Rolls! They’re crunchy, filling, and so, so fun to make!

The prep time includes the time it will take to make a batch of white sushi rice. Stick it into the fridge to cool, so you can get rolling sooner!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (10)Found fromglueandglitter.com

11.Ranch Seasoned Air Fryer Chickpeas

Have you tried making roasted chickpeas in the air fryer yet? It’s so quick and easy! And these Ranch Seasoned Air Fried Chickpeas couldn’t be simpler to make.

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (11)Found fromglueandglitter.com

12.Air Fryer Sticky Mushroom Rice

Air Fryer Sticky Mushroom Rice will knock your socks off.

This sweet and spicy sauce to toss with Jasmine rice is fast and easy. There’s a skillet option too!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (12)Found fromveganinthefreezer.com

13.Air Baked Zucchini Fries Recipe

Air Baking is so much better than frying food in oil. This air baked zucchini fries recipe is so good and there’s NO special equipment needed.

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (13)Found fromslickhousewives.com

14.Air Fryer Baked Potato

Our Air Fryer Baked Potato recipe is the ultimate air fryer side dish! Cover your baking potatoes with our parsley garlic salt rub. The garlic parsley potatoes skin is flavorful and crispy!

This recipe will make you love your air fryer! The flavor and texture make this the best baked potato ever!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (14)Found fromcourtneyssweets.com

15.Air-Fried Gluten-Free Onion Rings

Air-Fried Gluten Free Onion Rings are so yummy and easy to make. Enjoy these crunchy onion rings that are low fat and low carb.

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (15)Found frommamashire.com

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Pin these Air Fryer Recipes for later!

If you enjoyed this roundup of healthy air fryer recipes, don’t forget to pin it to your food or recipes board on Pinterest!

15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (16)

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15 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes Perfect For The Whole Family (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.